Besides the fact that it's a show based off the Terminator series (and we all know how I feel about that), yet another reason to watch this season of Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles can be summed up like this:

Needless to say, I'm going to be very distraught if her acting is bad. VERY DISTRAUGHT!


Brian said…
I didn't like T3, so I kinda assumed this series would be more of the same. Is it actually good?
Travis said…
It's going to be bad.
Bryan said…
The first season was pretty good, and through time travel they've actually made it so the third movie never happens.

Yeah, they knew it sucked too.
Travis said…
Heh, that's kind of funny, I like that.


We'll have to see about the show. I just can't imagine Terminator on television, it's such a silver screen type of thing. Other than that I can't imagine the universe having an interesting enough story line to carry a show.

It is a mystery who knows.
Anonymous said…
theres a new terminator movie coming with Christian Bale as sean conner, what u guys thnk about that?
Brian said…
I'm torn. Christian Bale is definitely a plus, but I just don't know. T3 really, really sucked. And what else are they gonna talk about? I feel like it's just gonna be another sci fi where humanity struggles against the machines and win eventually.
Bryan said…
Well for one the new movie is actually in the future and not more present day let's-avoid-apocalypse plot. Also, the director and producer are totally different from the ones for T3. The trailer I saw gave a completely different feel from any of the previous Terminator movies,which wasn't necessarily bad.
Anonymous said…
too bad there is no Arnold
Bryan said…
Meh, he's too bloated and old now, and hopefully his absence means they will focus more on making the Conner family more interesting and less dependent on a robot for character development.
Travis said…
Character development /= robots punching each other trough walls and high speed shotgun vs. truck chases and and and
Anonymous said…
well seeing how it is the Terminator series and all, Arnold has always been a corner stone of that franchise.
Bryan said…
Yeah but he's never played a particularly difficult character to replicate.
Anonymous said…
i would be happy if he makes a cameo....

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