Ron Bennington On: Break Ups
You know, that's one of the things in movies that always annoys me, when any of the romantic comedies that, if there's ever an instance of a breakup in a movie, then those people don't see each other again for a year. Like in a Sex and the City, if she has a misunderstanding with Mr. Big. Oh, that misunderstanding stays that way for a year. Nobody gets drunk and calls at 3 o'clock in the morning, nobody leaves the odd email that seems like a suicide. "I dunno, you were right to leave me because life ain't worth living." SEND. You know, that thing that makes them go, "You okay? I got that email, I was a little worried about you." Every fucking break up peters out, even the ones that you want a clean cut on, they just slowly go away, kinda like the top of Canada, where they're just breaking off into nothingness. "You missed a great dinner, Maryyyyyy. Sorry, you missed a really great dinner last night. Drove past your house last night, nobody was there. What's going on?" You leave that door open even when you say, "I'm trying to close this as hard as I can, but I'm going to open this up a little bit and take a peek." They never do this in movies. Never happens that way. The misunderstanding happens, they go their different ways, then a year later, they see each other, they find out what really happened, and that person has been waiting to take them back. When they show up and say, "Hey I made a mistake," they always hug. If you fucking go back to a chick, "I made a mistake" you get, "Oh. Well, this is Alan. He knocked me up three months ago." And Alan's all up in your fucking chest, "Hey man, heard a lot about you." Alright, easy, fuckin' Alan, okay? I'll tear your fucking throat out. Don't suddenly take a man pill and think you're someone else. I get it, this woman makes you crazy and you feel like you gotta be strong. This is the wrong fucking spot. I'll kill your whole fucking family, Alan.
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