I Just Got Fucking Real With My Brother
From Facebook:
Travis: fuck all of you strait up
Me: Ironically, you forgot the G
Rebecca: lol it would be ironic if he remembered the G
Travis: both of yall some knocks strait up
Ronda: Knocks? Really? Learn the term retard cus I believe Rebecca and B.j. Both have jobs and aren't on drugs and are definately not homeless low lifes. Don't even get me started on you're faggot ass.
Travis: oh okay so when i slap the shit outta of u u dont have to ask y now dumbass rip go have another baby
Ronda: Ooooo ouch. Lmao grow up!
Me: The English language can be a powerful weapon when wielded properly.
Rebecca: Yes... yes it can :D. Obviously someone got their feelings a little hurt and felt the need to verbally attack to make himself feel better. The problem is; it is difficult to effectively verbally attack someone when you don't have a firm grasp of the English language to begin with. Ronda thanks for sharing this video, it gave me a good laugh today, as did the comments that followed :D.
Travis: wow okay becca i aint even gunna start on u so ima just stop rite now
Me: It just astounds me that you are so content to be a product of your environment, rather than surpassing it. You have the ability to be a lot smarter, much more well expressed, and above the bullshit that you instead choose to celebrate. I find that really sad. I find it sad that you're surrounded by immature, coarse thugs who barely have the capacity to read and write and are going to be exactly where they are right now in fifteen years, and you skip along with them with glee.
I remember when you were what, maybe 6 or 7 years old and me you and Roman made up our own laser tag game in the house because we didn't have the equipment, and we even wrote up our own scorecards after each 'round.' I remember I looked at your scorecard and you drew a triangle on a horse or something ridiculous like that. It was fucking adorable. Now I see you and you're posting these poorly-spelled, error-laden and idiotic lyrics about shooting people and getting money, saying nigger like it's okay, and it's just fucking sad and silly. You have so much cleverness as a man that you just throw away completely trying to be hard. In the real world, the one outside the hood, no one gives a shit if you're hard. I sit at my job and watch hard people lose theirs because they have no discipline all the time. It's just a goddamn shame, because you deserve more than you'll allow yourself to have, or be.
Life is fucking weird. It's hard to see a relative in a glass box and literally be able to do nothing to avert their course beyond hope that your words have meaning. Travis is my half brother who I've known since he was born but has been on my dad's side of the family while I stayed with my mom. Great for me, shit for him, because as you may have garnered from reading past posts, my dad is a douche of monumental proportions and an utter failure as a father.
Anyhow, Travis moved to Oakland not too long ago into what I can only presume is a ghetto area, because ever since he moved there he's become the biggest wigger on the face of the fucking planet. I'm not kidding.

This kid is nothing but shitty rap lyrics, underage drinking and flashing money that he got...somehow. His grammar and spelling have more or less degenerated back to a 1st grade level. He's pushing 19 and he talks like an 8 year old. It's hard to come up with a kid and then watch him as he basically decides he's going to smoke pot and drink all day. I understand people go through phases, and for some they can last years. He might turn it all around and become a really fucking interesting 40 year old. Or you know, he could drunk drive into an abutment and be dead before he reaches my age, or get shot yelling "NIGGA!" on the corner of 43rd Street.
Travis: fuck all of you strait up
Me: Ironically, you forgot the G
Rebecca: lol it would be ironic if he remembered the G
Travis: both of yall some knocks strait up
Ronda: Knocks? Really? Learn the term retard cus I believe Rebecca and B.j. Both have jobs and aren't on drugs and are definately not homeless low lifes. Don't even get me started on you're faggot ass.
Travis: oh okay so when i slap the shit outta of u u dont have to ask y now dumbass rip go have another baby
Ronda: Ooooo ouch. Lmao grow up!
Me: The English language can be a powerful weapon when wielded properly.
Rebecca: Yes... yes it can :D. Obviously someone got their feelings a little hurt and felt the need to verbally attack to make himself feel better. The problem is; it is difficult to effectively verbally attack someone when you don't have a firm grasp of the English language to begin with. Ronda thanks for sharing this video, it gave me a good laugh today, as did the comments that followed :D.
Travis: wow okay becca i aint even gunna start on u so ima just stop rite now
Me: It just astounds me that you are so content to be a product of your environment, rather than surpassing it. You have the ability to be a lot smarter, much more well expressed, and above the bullshit that you instead choose to celebrate. I find that really sad. I find it sad that you're surrounded by immature, coarse thugs who barely have the capacity to read and write and are going to be exactly where they are right now in fifteen years, and you skip along with them with glee.
I remember when you were what, maybe 6 or 7 years old and me you and Roman made up our own laser tag game in the house because we didn't have the equipment, and we even wrote up our own scorecards after each 'round.' I remember I looked at your scorecard and you drew a triangle on a horse or something ridiculous like that. It was fucking adorable. Now I see you and you're posting these poorly-spelled, error-laden and idiotic lyrics about shooting people and getting money, saying nigger like it's okay, and it's just fucking sad and silly. You have so much cleverness as a man that you just throw away completely trying to be hard. In the real world, the one outside the hood, no one gives a shit if you're hard. I sit at my job and watch hard people lose theirs because they have no discipline all the time. It's just a goddamn shame, because you deserve more than you'll allow yourself to have, or be.
Life is fucking weird. It's hard to see a relative in a glass box and literally be able to do nothing to avert their course beyond hope that your words have meaning. Travis is my half brother who I've known since he was born but has been on my dad's side of the family while I stayed with my mom. Great for me, shit for him, because as you may have garnered from reading past posts, my dad is a douche of monumental proportions and an utter failure as a father.
Anyhow, Travis moved to Oakland not too long ago into what I can only presume is a ghetto area, because ever since he moved there he's become the biggest wigger on the face of the fucking planet. I'm not kidding.
This kid is nothing but shitty rap lyrics, underage drinking and flashing money that he got...somehow. His grammar and spelling have more or less degenerated back to a 1st grade level. He's pushing 19 and he talks like an 8 year old. It's hard to come up with a kid and then watch him as he basically decides he's going to smoke pot and drink all day. I understand people go through phases, and for some they can last years. He might turn it all around and become a really fucking interesting 40 year old. Or you know, he could drunk drive into an abutment and be dead before he reaches my age, or get shot yelling "NIGGA!" on the corner of 43rd Street.
And Wong posting an embarrassing story online is probably not going to get a guys' like this attention.