Holy Shit


matt said…
looks good. who wants to let me barrow the first one so i can play it?
Travis said…
I'm really 50/50 on that.

But yeah, it's really pretty. Did you happen to see the new Old Republic video? Quite a bit better in my opinion.
Brian said…
I never liked how they turned the Jedi into basically superheroes. In the first trilogy it was a lot more of them being wise, tactically-smart and combat competent, with of course awesome lazer swords and some neat force tricks, but now, as seen in this trailer and in most other modern star wars stuff, including episodes 1-3, it's like the Jedi can just do whatever the fuck they want without any sense of danger. Meh.

Game looks fun though.
Bryan said…
I just like any video of someone crazy strong fucking shit up.
Travis said…
No, watching him do whatever he wants is a little boring. But of course I will acknowledge it looks very pretty. Also I was INCREDIBLY annoyed, and I was hoping you would address this, Vader leaves the room telling six Storm Troopers to "kill him". Are you kidding? At one point he disintegrates them with his what I could only describe as rage.

It was incredibly weird to watch Vader leave a room with his own apprentice like they were really going to execute him. It was like a bad Saturday morning cartoon. Oh, and then, I guess, there are clones? Give me a break. The gameplay better be more intelligent than then premise.

A commenter on Kotaku was actually right, for once. The Old Republic trailer is better than the last three films combined.
Bryan said…
Here's what I know about Force Unleashed. Your character dies in the end of the first one. Seems to me that what that implies is that Vader has some kind of plan involving the escape of his apprentice. He's very obviously going to escape. I guess Vader wants him to think that he's escaping? I don't know. I don't know the series well enough to guess at why that scene is that way because at face value, it seems dumb. I would guess that this character is one of the clones and he has no idea that he's a clone.
Travis said…
Yeah I'm hoping you're right. I also must admit I know nothing about the last game, other than he is Darth Vader's secret apprentice.
matt said…
Travis said…
I saw it more as, "HADOKEN!"

God those storm troopers kicked so much ass. I love they way they did the heavy guns, and the sounds they make.
Bryan said…
I like how they just bullrushed the flipping asshole jedi, rendering them basically irrelevant.
Travis said…
I like how he fucking absorbed 4 seconds of being electrocuted by force lightning to the face. then pulled out his shiv.

Also not too much Jedi-Fu in this edition.

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