My back hurts!!

Well this is what has been going on with me lately (past few days).

As all of you know I've always had back problems but this has taken it to a new level. Last weekend I thought I pinched a nerve, completely out of the blue I couldn't breathe, stand or move in general without feeling like someone took a railroad spike and drove it into my scapula. Accompanied with that was numbness in my left arm. Since this has never happened to me before I decided to go to a specialist and have it looked at and this is what he said, "you have massive degeneration in your neck, for someone so young your neck is in the shape of a very bad 50 year old". What is happening is my 5-6 6-7 vertebrae are building bone in wrong places and are crushing my discs, thus damaging my nerves.

My left arm seems to be tingling as if its asleep and my left pinky and ring finger dont respond as fast as their counter parts. My current options are surgery and or physical therapy. I have a consultation Saturday to further review my options =X

Life in general is a more complicated and I might post about it later..

PS: I shoulda had Andrew rip out someone's spine for me back in HS and I wouldn't be in this mess. Or Doug build me a robotic spine ^_^


matt said…
wow, that sucks pretty hard. good luck with that, i hope it all works out. keep me posted.
Brian said…
I feel for you Wong, back problems are way worse than people may realize. Although not as bad as yours, for about 3 years I've had back problems that caused my left leg to go numb from time to time. I never really got to the bottom of it until seeing a doctor here in Korea (kind of ironic, one would think medicine is better in the U.S.).

I'm on my way to recovery, thankfully, but for a while that shit really sucked ass. There was a point I couldn't even climb or descend stairs because the problem got so severe. Sometimes I'd stay home entire weekends just give my back a chance to recover. Of course, that never really helped, because all I was doing was self-diagnosing, convincing myself that if I make some sacrifices the problem would go away. Thankfully you're being proactive about it and seeing a professional. I'm kinda of boneheaded when it comes to health problems, I don't really like seeing a professional unless absolutely necessary (which pretty much means I'm dying).

I hope you get it worked out, back problems really just put a damper on your whole routine and quality of life in general.
UCDBrizzle said…
Ya its ironic because the specialist I saw in Korea made the most sense out of all the other specialists I've seen and I've seen them in USA, Korea and China. Although I must say the one in Korea was John's family friend and came from Stanford Medical.
Anonymous said…
Is it truly fixable with surgery/physical therapy? Like, no more problems from here on out?
UCDBrizzle said…
they don't know yet =X I have an appointment on Saturday to check that out.

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