I have an idea for a happy pill. I need a good song. Something epic like O Fortuna. its for a fight scene but im having trouble finding something. It doesn't have to be classical or an orchestra, it just has to be awesome. Doug, you might be the best help for something like this.
something like this? or slower?
You might find Liszt's Totentanz, itself a revision of older "dances of death", interesting. Verdi's Requiem as directed by Toscanini is also pretty powerful.
I think the era of music you are looking for is the Romantic era of classical music. It is considered to have begun with Beethoven's 5th (worth listening in its entirety). But I think you are looking for something less recognizable.
Wagner's Das Rheingold, a ridiculously long opera, would probably be foreign to most ears. Aside from the snippet of "Ride of the Valkyries" in the infamous Apocalypse Now helicopter ride, I haven't heard much contemporary use of his sounds.