Oh and this is handy to know:
In Mass Effect 2 Commander Shepard will encounter several new potential love interests. For a male Shepard these are Miranda Lawson[1], a Cerberus officer, Subject Zero[2], a powerful biotic prisoner and test subject, and the SSV Normandy SR-2's Yeoman, Kelly Chambers.[3]
For a female Shepard, the new potential love interests are Jacob Taylor, a Cerberus operative, Thane Krios, a drell assassin,[4] and Kelly Chambers, who is also a potential love interest for a male Shepard.
Additionally, two returning characters that were not potential love interests in the original Mass Effect will be potential love interests in Mass Effect 2. These are Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, who is a potential love interest for a male Shepard,[5] and Garrus Vakarian, who is a potential love interest for a female Shepard.
You're also missing Morinth, though shes bad news bears. and yes you can get Tali.
Any way hows your ME2 experience going? Beat it yet?
Also is it just me or Jack super annoying... its like geez get over yourself...