
I had quite the experience last night. I'm going to sum it up in and image and let you ponder it.


Brian said…
You found this after your polyamorist experience?
Anonymous said…
im a preface this with i have no idea what you have been up to.

im a go out on a limb here and say that your step mom wrote that to your father. after she read that letter you wrote her she looked at herself and her life, hated it and decided to run away from it. that is your dad taking a picture of the goodbye letter so he could send it to you as a "see what you've done you little shit?" see it pissed him off just enough for him to show you what you did, but not enough to actually confront you about it. or not, maybe that's your brothers hairy arm. or one of your older barhopping friends that I've never met and this has nothing to do with your family, like maybe its Laval (or the other one, whichever one thats white) i dunno.

...yea, that's where my mind went with this.

so whats this polyamoris experience im hearing about?
Bryan said…
It's from the movie, "Apocalypse Now," written by the assassin who was supposed to kill Kurtz but instead joins his tribe in Vietnam.
Anonymous said…
Bryan said…
Oh, you know, some things happened. And now everything's different.
Travis said…
He fucked Luz, jesus. You could have just said it. It's still awesome and surprising.
Anonymous said…
WTF? Isn't she married to 5 people???
Bryan said…
I did what?

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