The BALLS of This Game

Astound me. I fucking love it. How creepy is this fucking shit? Bravo for a major franchise taking a push forward like this. This isn't a game that a couple people have played that a MAVAV can take down. This game on opening day made more than Dark Knight did the first week. 4.7 million copies sold in a couple hours. Go go controversy.


Travis said…
why do you always have to ruin fucking everything. I swear. I know not all of your posts are for me because I'm not crazy- but there's no way I'm watching that video yet.
Bryan said…
You'd better get it quick, because there is already talk about having it removed.
Bryan said…
Also, this is level 2. You play it maybe ten minutes after you are done with the training level. So it really, really isn't a spoiler at all.
Travis said…
Comment 1: Yes I will be getting the game.

Comment 2: False. Who cares what level of the game it is? That's a silly reason.
Bryan said…
It's news-relevant and one of the first things you experience in the game. So I guess if you consider that a spoiler, bummer, but it isn't. That's like saying a movie trailer is a spoiler.
UCDBrizzle said…
no this is a spoiler, at least u should cut out the end of the level...
Bryan said…
No it isn't! It's the event that starts the entire game! There is no plot prior to this level!
Bryan said…
And there's no autoplay, if you don't want to see it, don't click it. But you can't spoil the beginning of a story, it's impossible to do that.
Anonymous said…
the majority of movie trailers nowadays ARE spoiler videos.
Bryan said…
I am not sure what the value of surprise is in this case, because it doesn't deconstruct any preconceived notions you had for the effect of entertainment. I seriously don't understand what the problem is. It's not like you work towards this point and it changes everything you thought about the characters. You don't even know the character you are playing as at this point, you've only been him once in Afghanistan shooting up terrorists that have nothing to do with the story. This is in a very real way THE FIRST LEVEL.

Whatever, click the link or don't. I posted it because I've heard of discussion to have it removed from the game and I think it's a really ballsy thing to do in a game.

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