Opie And Anthony Comics Are The Shit
Once again, my taste in OnA is validated in Patrice O'neal's stand up on Saturday. He was fucking hysterical, but I also loved the way he challenged the audience's preconceived notions on relationships. Anyone who could have been there should have been; as it stands, only me and Matt can appreciate what a great fucking show he put on. And what a cool motherfucker after the show too, I was a nervous idiot and he couldn't have been more cool. And I got to say all the shit I wanted to say to him, about his 2 hosted shows with Dante Nero, and his conversations racial and sexual with Anthony and the rest of the guys, and then of course I tried to leave through the kitchen. Haha, what a silly goose I am.

Not for one second did he give off the vibe of "I'm a famous guy." Totally approachable. I can't wait to see who's next on the list. Robert Kelly, Bill Burr, Rich Vos, Louis CK, all need to be checked off. Guys who can be entertaining on the radio make for fucking phenomenal stand ups because they play off the crowd so comfortably. Fuck that was a good Saturday.
Not for one second did he give off the vibe of "I'm a famous guy." Totally approachable. I can't wait to see who's next on the list. Robert Kelly, Bill Burr, Rich Vos, Louis CK, all need to be checked off. Guys who can be entertaining on the radio make for fucking phenomenal stand ups because they play off the crowd so comfortably. Fuck that was a good Saturday.
I'm definitely gonna be there for Luis CK.
Paul Mooney is like the 5th of Nov, and Lewis is the 15th.