Sherwin Sleeves Presents: Fallen Through
Fallen Through by Sherwin Sleeves
Listen, I'm gonna be honest. Sherwin Sleeves can do no wrong. Him and a piano with a drum beat just make magic. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the guy who plays him fucking loves his kid. As someone who is close to the pinnacle of human curmudgeonry, hearing this audio strangely makes my heart grow two sizes.
EDIT: He also did a Michael Jackson Tribute:
Hey I want to ride
A last time down sweetest streets
Hey I want to glide
A last time past sweetest screams
But one day I’ll fall
In a moonwalk of propofol
Broken and bright
Stars die in their own light
I was lying in the street
Dying in the street
No thanks to you
I was born to repeat
All misery
I’ve fallen through
Never gonna come they’re never come,
Nothing, to do!
Ladies and Gentleman
As you can see
We are Unequal equally
Aristocratic or bourgouesie
Balance is the burden of society
Listen, I'm gonna be honest. Sherwin Sleeves can do no wrong. Him and a piano with a drum beat just make magic. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the guy who plays him fucking loves his kid. As someone who is close to the pinnacle of human curmudgeonry, hearing this audio strangely makes my heart grow two sizes.
EDIT: He also did a Michael Jackson Tribute:
Hey I want to ride
A last time down sweetest streets
Hey I want to glide
A last time past sweetest screams
But one day I’ll fall
In a moonwalk of propofol
Broken and bright
Stars die in their own light