New Conveniences in WoW Patch 3.2
Used to be that Apprentice Riding was only available at level 40. And it cost 100
! Used to be that Journeyman Riding was only available at level 60, and it cost 1000
! Expert used to be level 70 and 800
, and Artisan, which is still 5000
, now gets the faction discount, which will lower it pretty significantly. Not that it matters since they finally upped regular flight speed as requested a year and a half ago, so now you don't even need Artisan. SLASH SIGH.
New Dungeon Loot Feature
This is a good one, I can't tell you how many times a raid has been ruined for someone because the Loot Master accidentally misclicked and gave the loot out to the wrong person. And this will add a whole new level to loot, with trading won pieces between each other.
Silence, Strangulate, Silencing Shot, and Arcane Torrent: These abilities will also apply a 3 second interrupt effect against non-player controlled targets, making them more versatile against creatures immune to silencing effects.
Used to be Silencing Shot was useless outside of Karazhan because it only worked on trash mobs. Now, gasp, it might actually be worth having as a higher end talent?!?
ALL of this is GREAT for newcomers to the game and really fucking convenient for regular players who have a 8 tons of addons to map this shit out. Will the days of wandering around looking for a specific mod be gone soon?
There's a ton of extra PvP stuff thrown in, including the new Argent Tournament, but I've never been much of a PvPer so I'm not really excited by that. I am mostly excited by the things listed above and the free respec I'm getting on my Death Knight because of the upcoming talent review. Yaaaaay.
- The cast time for summoning any ground or flying[3] mount is now 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
- Apprentice Riding (Skill 75): Can now be learned at level 20 for 4
. Mail will be sent to players who reach level 20 directing them to the riding trainer.
- Journeyman Riding (Skill 150): Can now be learned at level 40 for 50
. Mail will be sent to players who reach level 40 directing them back to the riding trainer.
- Expert Riding (Skill 225): Can now be learned at level 60 for 600
from trainers in Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Faction discounts now apply (Honor Hold for Alliance; Thrallmar for Horde). Flight speed at this skill level has been increased to 150% of run speed, up from 60%.
- Artisan Riding (Skill 300): Faction discounts now apply (Honor Hold or Valiance Expedition for Alliance; Thrallmar or Warsong Offensive for Horde).
Used to be that Apprentice Riding was only available at level 40. And it cost 100
New Dungeon Loot Feature
- Players will now be able to trade soulbound items with other raid or group members that were eligible for the loot. This system will work like the Item Buy Back system and allow 2 hours for players to trade an item after it has been looted. Players who choose to enchant or add gems to the item will get one last confirmation before losing the ability to trade the item.
This is a good one, I can't tell you how many times a raid has been ruined for someone because the Loot Master accidentally misclicked and gave the loot out to the wrong person. And this will add a whole new level to loot, with trading won pieces between each other.
Silence, Strangulate, Silencing Shot, and Arcane Torrent: These abilities will also apply a 3 second interrupt effect against non-player controlled targets, making them more versatile against creatures immune to silencing effects.
Used to be Silencing Shot was useless outside of Karazhan because it only worked on trash mobs. Now, gasp, it might actually be worth having as a higher end talent?!?
- Quest creatures and objects will now show on the player’s world map.
A skull graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where players can find creatures they must kill for a quest.
A skull graphic with red eyes will be placed on the map in the general area where creatures can be found that must be killed in order to collect quest objects.
A gear/cogwheel graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where players must loot quest objects found in the world.
A chat bubble graphic will be placed on the map in the general area where players must interact with a specific NPC for a quest.
A yellow question mark graphic will show on the map to provide the location of a NPC whose quest the player has completed.
- The quest log is now double-paned for more easily viewing quest information. The list of all quests a player has will show in one pane, while the quest details of any highlighted quest will display in the next.
- Character name auto-completion for the chat frame, pop-ups, and mail interface can be enabled through an interface option in the Development settings.
- Character names can now be colorized according to class in the chat frame through an interface option in the Development settings.
- Casting bars under a target's portrait will now indicate whether or not the cast can be interrupted.
- Druids will now be able to see their mana bars when shape-shifted.
- Item Comparisons: Holding the shift key while hovering over an item will now display the stat differences with the item currently equipped in the relevant slot.
- Item Level: A new option has been added under Display in the Interface Options to show the item level on item tooltips.
- Macros and scripts will no longer be able to target totems by name.
- Vendor prices will now be listed on items whether or not players are at a vendor.
ALL of this is GREAT for newcomers to the game and really fucking convenient for regular players who have a 8 tons of addons to map this shit out. Will the days of wandering around looking for a specific mod be gone soon?
There's a ton of extra PvP stuff thrown in, including the new Argent Tournament, but I've never been much of a PvPer so I'm not really excited by that. I am mostly excited by the things listed above and the free respec I'm getting on my Death Knight because of the upcoming talent review. Yaaaaay.
I don't get it.