Diablo 2 Interest?

Diablo 2 group info here! Make USWest (obviously) NON-Ladder characters. We are going to try to each roll a different class at best. If two people want to be the same class, we will revert to separate specced characters. Post your info in the comments and I will update this post accordingly. Please list your account name, the name of your character, the character class (and optionally) your intended spec.

Account names to add as friend:
Dante: TaboriHK
Alyssa: Kaizokux
Travis: Wooden_Dreidel
Roper: Ropebreezy
Matt: Mathies
Wong: ucdbrizzle

Dante: Selephiel///Assassin (Bruce Lee)
Alyssa: Jipsee///Sorceress (Punchcaster)
Travis: Wooden_Dreidel///Druid (Teen Wolf)
Roper: Laconophilia///Amazon (SPARTAAA)
Matt: Mathies///Barbarian (?)
Wong: Zeal-universal///Paladin (CB Zealer)

If you need a copy, you can get one cheap at the following links:
Diablo II
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

PLEASE NOTE! If you are going to buy a copy be sure that it is ONLY listed as in NEW condition, ideally mentioning it as still being factory sealed. If it is USED, there is a good chance the CD key is still being used and your game will be unplayable!


UCDBrizzle said…
accounts: Conifist, Resurgam, UCDBRIZZLE

Characters: ALL execpt Barb and Poison and Bone Necro
Travis said…
Bryan, only list one account and character as we are starting new. No level 90 characters and good gear
UCDBrizzle said…
Hrm, i guess... the hard part is thinking of something I wanna build since I have built everything...
Bryan said…
Make a poison and bone Barbarian! Or a Passivezon!
Anonymous said…
Alyssa: KAIZOKUx

Character: Jipsee

hehe...heheheee :3
matt said…
i bought it. we'll see if it works when it gets here.
Travis said…
i yamma drrewidd

i becomes se WERFF and i keelz orverytinnggg
Bryan said…
I like to call him Teen Wolf.
UCDBrizzle said…
I started a character Zeal-Universal hes a Paly. I need act 1
Anonymous said…
haha...punch caster. I didn't realize I could change my main button to magic too. Yeah...
UCDBrizzle said…
alyssa ur gonna hot key ur spells on ur right hand side to the f1-fx buttons and u cast ur main with left

also use 1 point on teleport as that will be your main skill later =D
matt said…
nick is starting a character, he is doin the necro me and him will level together until we get the xpac.

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