The Christmas Song Writer
Sherwin Sleeves is a 79 year old gentleman storyteller. He lives in a cabin on top of Marked Mountain in Lemon, New Hampshire. He spent his life in the theater and now spends his time walking in the woods, marveling at the mysteries of the universe, and then recounting his adventures during his radio shows.
Sherwin Sleeves is a character created by writer Sean Hurley. Sean is 41 years old and lives near a river in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. He's married with one son and, like Sherwin, he goes out walking almost every day in the woods.
Sean and Sherwin hope to some day work full-time writing, composing music, and putting together episodes of "Atoms, Motion & the Void".

This may be my favorite guy ever. He actually sees himself as a host for another entity. He's the voice over guy for one of the shows I listen to (Ron & Fez) and they haven't really touched on what his deal is exactly so I went to his site. It's full of music like the Christmas Song and pics like this:
Anyone who describes themselves as a "gentleman storyteller" has got my attention.