The Oddly Compelling Christmas Song
Heard this on OnA today. It's a Christmas song made by one of the people on the show that comes on after OnA, Ron & Fez. Sung by a dude called Sleeves, it was made for a contest to come up with new holiday music to replace the drivel we have to tolerate currently. I'm genuinely not sure if I like this song or not. But it is very catchy.
Christmas Lala by Sleeves
Christmas Lala by Sleeves
It's not very christmas-ey I could just listen to it. I really wanna know what his other songs sound like on that one album he's selling.
I'd like to think a very rugged mustachiod man just down at a piano very late in the night and just winged this whole song.
He sounds about as defeated as a normal man would, too. What I imagine you to be talking about would have more aggression/razor blade throat grizzle.
Maybe I dunno. I think we need to find a gentlemen speaking who lived through the civil war now so I can stop thinking about it.