President Obama


Anonymous said…
I'm so happy. Although Prop 8 did not pass I couldn't have wished for a better turn out. He BLEW McCain out of the water, with popular vote and electoral. Its such an amazing time to be in America and let's hope he lives up to his promises which I have faith he will.

Anonymous said…
oh snap 8 did pass ^_^ but hey we're getting a train to LA!!
Bryan said…
No we aren't. Just because they're throwing money into doesn't mean it's getting done any time soon.
Anonymous said…
who said anything about soon, the point is its going to be done, so yes we are getting a high speed train.
Brian said…
There's still about 1.6 million votes to be counted, so some of the propositions aren't set in stone yet.
UCDBrizzle said…
you've watched the wire and I've watched the wire.. we both know a bond measure of this caliber is gonna line a lot of pockets and the project wont be done for a LONG time but the point is we're getting one... and maybe when i'm like 70 and decrepit i can ride it... once...
Bryan said…
What Wong said. I guarantee you they will come back saying this project is going to cost way more money AFTER they've received the millions we are kicking to them. Just business as usual.
Travis said…
yeah man I saw that episode of the wire too...

but really you keep mentioning how long it's going to take and it never promised it was going to be soon. I understand your distrust in throwing millions of dollars into new technology in a state that has shitty public transportation anyways, but I also feel the high speed railway will be watched now too closely for them to try anything too retarded. People have gotten a little smarter, now that economy is on everyone's minds. I know you'll never admit to that, but they have. Money talks, and I don't think the train will get away with not being built.
Bryan said…
The government NEVER changes in this aspect. And the size of the project can quite easily conceal corruption. People can be smarter and more conscious and still be swindled because they don't see how they're getting screwed. It really is shameful.
UCDBrizzle said…
ya its sad how we expect curruption
Travis said…
I guess we'll just have to see.

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