Happy Pills!!
I was looking through my computer and found these, enjoy.
• Play fetch with GG and on the third throw she comes back with a baby arm holding the tennis ball.
• Homeless man (hobo Dan): Opens with a homeless man sitting in a barrel in the ocean. Two kids walking on the dock see him and ask him how he got into that situation. HD says, “Get me a rope..(list of strange things)..and ill tell you” kids get him what he wants and then he starts telling his story. HD was looking for a job to buy an Xbox 360 so he can get the power crystal inside it. Goes to video maniacs looking for a job, they aren’t hiring but they say, “there’s a lot of good work over at the old hospital”. So HD pulls out a crudely drawn map, made with a paper bag and crayons, and heads to the hospital. Arrives at the abandoned hospital. He enters the hospital and is immediately thrown into a kungfu fight with an unknown man (Andrew). After the eagle claw is dealt they reconcile peacefully over an old box of new peeps. HD explains why he came to the hospital and the stranger then says, “I'm a genie, get me my lamp back and ill give you the item you’re looking for”. The genie tells HD that his lamp is in the hands of his old master. His old master made his three wishes and then refused to give up the lamp so now the genie cant move on. HD agrees to get the lamp for the genie. The genie says as long as he is questing for his lamp he will be given the genies protection. He goes to a giant mansion and steals the lamp from this rich guy, the RG says the lamp is priceless and chases after HD. A crazy chase seen ensues that ends with HD falling into a trash can, summoning a giant eagle to carry him away and then the eagle drops him in the water. He was stuck in the barrel in the ocean for days. When he looked through the trash for food he found one perfect peep. That one peep kept him full for the next 3 days. The kids are skeptical and say “there’s no way that could have happened, show us the lamp”. HD says he cant because he had to give it to the eagle, that was the eagles price for saving his life, explaining, “sometimes, in order to save your life, you have to give up the very thing you live for”.
• Play fetch with GG and on the third throw she comes back with a baby arm holding the tennis ball.
• Homeless man (hobo Dan): Opens with a homeless man sitting in a barrel in the ocean. Two kids walking on the dock see him and ask him how he got into that situation. HD says, “Get me a rope..(list of strange things)..and ill tell you” kids get him what he wants and then he starts telling his story. HD was looking for a job to buy an Xbox 360 so he can get the power crystal inside it. Goes to video maniacs looking for a job, they aren’t hiring but they say, “there’s a lot of good work over at the old hospital”. So HD pulls out a crudely drawn map, made with a paper bag and crayons, and heads to the hospital. Arrives at the abandoned hospital. He enters the hospital and is immediately thrown into a kungfu fight with an unknown man (Andrew). After the eagle claw is dealt they reconcile peacefully over an old box of new peeps. HD explains why he came to the hospital and the stranger then says, “I'm a genie, get me my lamp back and ill give you the item you’re looking for”. The genie tells HD that his lamp is in the hands of his old master. His old master made his three wishes and then refused to give up the lamp so now the genie cant move on. HD agrees to get the lamp for the genie. The genie says as long as he is questing for his lamp he will be given the genies protection. He goes to a giant mansion and steals the lamp from this rich guy, the RG says the lamp is priceless and chases after HD. A crazy chase seen ensues that ends with HD falling into a trash can, summoning a giant eagle to carry him away and then the eagle drops him in the water. He was stuck in the barrel in the ocean for days. When he looked through the trash for food he found one perfect peep. That one peep kept him full for the next 3 days. The kids are skeptical and say “there’s no way that could have happened, show us the lamp”. HD says he cant because he had to give it to the eagle, that was the eagles price for saving his life, explaining, “sometimes, in order to save your life, you have to give up the very thing you live for”.
The Hobo Dan story is insane. I still really like it, though.
Let's fucking do it.