Why I Love Patrice O'Neal
I should open this up by saying when I initially saw Patrice, it was on Tough Crowd, a fucking great show that should never have been canned. I didn't like him then, because he was pretty obnoxious I thought.
Ever since I started listening to Opie and Anthony, they've had him on when Jim was out sick usually as a fill-in host. And every time he's on, him and Anthony get into it, because they are both essentially the same racist with different skin colors, which is hilarious.
The reason why I like Opie and Anthony and why I'm ALWAYS fucking talking about them is that they really do two shows: they do the 'outrageous' cringe comedy show, where abortion, retard, Nazi, tranny et al jokes fly all over the place. Where someone will call in about their house burning down in a fire and Opie will immediately play a canned audience laughter drop. But the other show is political. They can get into some discussions that are so goddamn fascinating that you immediately get sucked into. This is one of the reasons I fell in love with Jimmy Norton, is that his stance on issues I think I have actually yet to disagree with. The Don Imus debacle as you may remember was the subject of some passion for me, and when it was going down, their talks about it were fantastic. Patrice was part of this too, and he actually went on Fox back when there were maybe two black comics saying "chill the fuck out about Imus" and did the following:
The "raping" joke they made reference to was made out of the blue by a homeless person OnA had in studio. Diabolical. And obviously part of the charm is yes, Patrice did actually explain both the donkey punch and the angry pirate in the process of defending comedians.
Ever since I started listening to Opie and Anthony, they've had him on when Jim was out sick usually as a fill-in host. And every time he's on, him and Anthony get into it, because they are both essentially the same racist with different skin colors, which is hilarious.
The reason why I like Opie and Anthony and why I'm ALWAYS fucking talking about them is that they really do two shows: they do the 'outrageous' cringe comedy show, where abortion, retard, Nazi, tranny et al jokes fly all over the place. Where someone will call in about their house burning down in a fire and Opie will immediately play a canned audience laughter drop. But the other show is political. They can get into some discussions that are so goddamn fascinating that you immediately get sucked into. This is one of the reasons I fell in love with Jimmy Norton, is that his stance on issues I think I have actually yet to disagree with. The Don Imus debacle as you may remember was the subject of some passion for me, and when it was going down, their talks about it were fantastic. Patrice was part of this too, and he actually went on Fox back when there were maybe two black comics saying "chill the fuck out about Imus" and did the following:
The "raping" joke they made reference to was made out of the blue by a homeless person OnA had in studio. Diabolical. And obviously part of the charm is yes, Patrice did actually explain both the donkey punch and the angry pirate in the process of defending comedians.
He really did say Condoleezza represents just hoes. And I've never heard the angry pirate one before.
All hail Patrice.
I really enjoyed when he decided to plug his HBO show while explaining how rape jokes can come across as funny.
They actually asked him if a rape joke could ever be funny and he was all "Well I've heard... a few, one or two..."
Also yes, he totally fucking told the angry pirate joke right in their fucking face.