
I've talked to a few people about going to see Choke (by the author of Fight Club) and now that the movie is released mostly everywhere I can have an easier time orchestrating this. Before it was only available in San Rafael, wherever that is. Now its playing in Emeryville, Berkeley, and SF. If anyone is interested in going then let's figure out the details here. Who wants to go? Where would you like to see it? What days/times are you available? Who can drive?
As for me, I've been thinking that Monday night might be the best time. Andrew and Travis are not working, I can get home at a decent time (if I leave my class early.) But if no one minds a bit of a later showing, 9/9:30 I could stay for my entire class, but I am willing to be flexible. If we do it during the week what is the latest showing everyone is willing to see? If we do a weekend showing we could do super late, we've done that a few times.
The times for Choke in Emeryville are:
10:10am, 12:40pm, 3:00pm, 5:30pm, 8:00pm, 10:20pm
2:00 2:15 4:30 7:15 9:45pm
California Theatres (Berkeley):
12:50 3:00 5:10 7:30 9:40pm
The Sundance Kabuki theater in Japan town would be really fun to go to. Its a brand new theater that just opened.
If that's too late BJ, sorry. Its the only one that works.