Suicidal Caller on Opie & Anthony Show
Suicidal Caller on Opie and Anthony Show
Click the link for audio. More on this when I have time.
This morning, a listener of the Opie & Anthony Show called in to the show with the apparent intent to end his life. At one point during the call, the gun he had in his posession went off.
Tom from White Plains, who has a long-standing medical condition with his lungs that slows down his ability to breathe over time, called in this morning. Tom, a friend of the Opie & Anthony Show, seemingly was intent on ending his life on the air. He had a variety of weapons available to him which he described on the air, and at one point, one of them was fired during the call.
Opie, Anthony, and Jim managed to convince Tom to not commit suicide and offered to get him some help. They even invited him to the studio the next morning to hang out with the show.
The local authorities were notified and Tom was brought to a hospital shortly afterward the call.
Click the link for audio. More on this when I have time.