At What Point...
Do these stop being achievements and start becoming sad social and personal commentary?
Mass Effect Achievement List
I completely cleared Mass Effect yesterday, which means I can now officially shelve it until the next DLC drop. What exactly does that entail? About ten full playthroughs, for me, both for the skill masteries (overload, etc.) and for the ally achievements, which require you to complete more than 80% of the content with each character. Originally, I had just intended to beat the game on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties(for the gamer pics) but I was 3/4 of the way through my Insanity playthrough when my character got stuck in an elevator....and I had to start over. While some might get discouraged, I found this no less than a slap in the face and decided that now, it was officially on, and I was going to get EVERYTHING. This is what life is for single male gamer.
Just in case you're wondering Travis, this is what the pics look like:
Mass Effect Achievement List
I completely cleared Mass Effect yesterday, which means I can now officially shelve it until the next DLC drop. What exactly does that entail? About ten full playthroughs, for me, both for the skill masteries (overload, etc.) and for the ally achievements, which require you to complete more than 80% of the content with each character. Originally, I had just intended to beat the game on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties(for the gamer pics) but I was 3/4 of the way through my Insanity playthrough when my character got stuck in an elevator....and I had to start over. While some might get discouraged, I found this no less than a slap in the face and decided that now, it was officially on, and I was going to get EVERYTHING. This is what life is for single male gamer.
Just in case you're wondering Travis, this is what the pics look like: