Near-Death Tuesday
I've been inspired by recent events [soon to be detailed] to officially inaugurate Tuesdays as Near-Death Tuesdays. If you're going to pick a day to not quite die but come close, make sure it's on a Tuesday. Onto the inspiration:
I was tasked with the job of checking inventory in the chair racks. They look like this. Notice that the one on the right is taller than the one on the left? Well, I should mention that these racks also have little borders around them to keep the chairs from rolling off into the abyss or worse, on top of someone. Well, while moving from the taller rack to the shorter one (from the very top) I just so happened to trip. Now, I had two choices. I could either fall straight down in between the racks and break my ankle, or I could throw myself into a roll and hopefully land on the shorter rack without breaking anything. Thank Christ for judo. Unfortunately, the momentum of said roll put me right over the edge of the next rack. For reference, this is what I saw. Now I'm facing a fall head first towards steel table legs from about this high. Keep in mind I look like this the whole time. Miraculously, my reflexes kick in and I grab the rail, somehow. Now I'm dangling relatively safely and can climb down the ladderish side of the rack. I would have landed head/neck first on this if I hadn't just reacted as I had. There's no moral to this story, other than don't drag your feet and if you don't pay attention in life to the important things, you could be indirectly killed by a piece of plywood. Behold my would-be assassin:

I really, really need to get a new job.
I was tasked with the job of checking inventory in the chair racks. They look like this. Notice that the one on the right is taller than the one on the left? Well, I should mention that these racks also have little borders around them to keep the chairs from rolling off into the abyss or worse, on top of someone. Well, while moving from the taller rack to the shorter one (from the very top) I just so happened to trip. Now, I had two choices. I could either fall straight down in between the racks and break my ankle, or I could throw myself into a roll and hopefully land on the shorter rack without breaking anything. Thank Christ for judo. Unfortunately, the momentum of said roll put me right over the edge of the next rack. For reference, this is what I saw. Now I'm facing a fall head first towards steel table legs from about this high. Keep in mind I look like this the whole time. Miraculously, my reflexes kick in and I grab the rail, somehow. Now I'm dangling relatively safely and can climb down the ladderish side of the rack. I would have landed head/neck first on this if I hadn't just reacted as I had. There's no moral to this story, other than don't drag your feet and if you don't pay attention in life to the important things, you could be indirectly killed by a piece of plywood. Behold my would-be assassin:
I really, really need to get a new job.