So I got food poisoning. Which means no work and a lot of World of WarCraft.

First off, I can immediately see one reason why people would play this game for this amount of time: it's huge. Seriously, it takes like 15 minutes to get anywhere. For example, Dalder fell out of Teldrassil, the gigantic tree that the Night Elves live on. Now, when I say giant tree, I don't know if you're getting the appropriate imagery. Not like, there's a town in the tree. Not like there's a city and a pasture. I've been playing for a little over 12 hours and I have not seen all of it. We're talking about a tree that has it's own forest of smaller yet still massive trees. When Dalder fell, he fell for a few minutes easy before hitting the ground.

Secondly, it takes forever to get anything done. I've been hitting the game at what I consider pretty hard for two or three days, and I'm only level 16. If this were Diablo 2, I'd be well on my way to the 50s. I suppose that's the best analogy for it: imagine Diablo 2 but on a much larger scale in every regard. There's more to do, more to train, more to see...but all of this takes excruciatingly large amounts of time.

As for the subculture of this game, it's mixed between fairly cool and utterly terrifying. Now, I've played female characters since Super Metroid, so I've never seen an avatar as a representation of myself. I was always under the impression that games were a form of escape, allowing you to be someone else. I certainly don't think I'm CJ when I'm playing GTA:SA (although sometimes I wish I was cool like Cesar.) Apparently, there's a rule that says otherwise in WoW. Maybe I didn't read it in the contract you sign, but apparently your character HAS to be the same gender as yourself, at least, according to the reactions I've gotten in a mere couple days. I'll have people just stand next to me and follow me around for no apparent reason. Some of them will whisper shit at me which I didn't want to read from someone hot, let alone the people who say it. I've had to resort on multiple occasions to more or less yelling, "I'M NOT ACTUALLY FEMALE. I DIDN'T BUY THIS GAME TO FIND DATES. LEAVE ME ALONE." Now yes, I know that buying this game of course means I deserve every person I have to deal with. I get that. But really, am I missing something? I've been called crossdresser more times in the past few days than I've heard the word in my entire life. Yes, the character I'm playing as has a digital vagina. And I don't have its counterpart in reality. Jesus Christ, we aren't in the roleplaying realm, get off my back. You aren't a fucking gnome warrior either, I'm not following you around yelling "CHICANERY!"

Sidenote, there actually are roleplaying realms. No thanks. No thanks ever.

But other than that, it's been pretty fun. But let me be quick to point out that it's fun not necessarily because of the game alone, but because I've been playing with Dalder and Aldrich for almost the entire time. As a person with a full-time job, I like that I can spend time with my friends even though they are in full-time college. It's good times.


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