Ninja Doctors and Castlevania Games : A General Update From BIRAN, EATER OF WORLDS
Hmm so I haven't updated in a long time. I mostly wanted to share this with you guys.
Yes, it's a ninja, who's a doctor, but it's fucking hilarious. Credit to Metatron on AnRe for finding that one.
Otherwise, not much else. I'm coming home the weekend before Thanksgiving (perhaps for my birthday with you guys?). So yeah, definitely looking forward to some kind of break. Right now, I'm the most busy I have ever been in my life (literally). I have crew practice six times a week, four of which is at 5AM (yes, that's right, five in the fucking morning.) Then, classes all afternoon, so far being the most challenging courses I've ever taken. I'm not sure if I like this full schedule or not, but I have to say it beats doing nothing all the time. I have a feeling the challenge is going to pay off big dividends in the future.
Whenever I can I'm playing Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow. The verdict: it comes closest to being as good as SOTN (it's actually kinda funny how that is now the standard in terms of Castlevania games). I'm playing as Alucard right now (as well as Julius, a Belmont, and Yoko, a Belnade; you can alternate between the three, and each character has his/her own abilities, weapons, subweapons, and moves). Of course, Alucard is the most badass; he has his Alcuard sword still, gravity boots, transforming into a bat, and hellfire ability.
The game overall is again very good. In comparison to SOTN though, it still lacks atmosphere. The music is decent but almost MIDI quality, so you don't really get that wonderful, clear Gothic music that you would in SOTN (but this maybe just a limitation of the DS). Also, level design is a "meh." There's a lot of parts where enemies are placed in random places; I'm not sure how else to describe it; I guess I'm saying that the "flow" of the castle is not as good as SOTN.
I'd had have to say the soul system in this game is the one thing that puts it above SOTN. There are many, many, diverse abilities to collect, most of which are awesome to use and have some sort of functionality throughout the game. On the same note, the visuals are pretty damn good (again though, it lacks a little detail in comparison to SOTN). Bosses are good, some of which you'd recognize from SOTN (there are actually a lot of enemies from SOTN in this game).
In the long run, DoS is a solid Castlevania title. However, I'm still hoping for some sort of pinnacle, something that is greater than SOTN; I'm talking an epic side scroller, with stunning visuals (spirites mind you, or "drawings," not 3D graphics), an awesome, evil-sounding (Gothic, etc) soundtrack, horrific enemies, terrifying bosses, the works. Lots of diversity and purpose in weapons, items, abilities, level-building, etc. Mostly though, I'd like to see Castlevania go back to its roots. Have more of a Gothic, mideval feel to it. While good, both Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow had this sort of futuristic theme to it (they take place in the 21st century) that I'm not sure I like in terms of a Castlevania title. A sort of nit-picky critique I'm sure, but I really think a Castlevania game would really shine if it were to stick to something reminscent of what SOTN tried to go for.
Anyways, enough about Castlevania. I guess I got kinda carried away. I need to borrow Firefly, cause I've been hearing too many good things about it. So, when I have the time and when it's available Dante? Probably not until Christmas break.
Otherwise, peace out suckas.
Yes, it's a ninja, who's a doctor, but it's fucking hilarious. Credit to Metatron on AnRe for finding that one.
Otherwise, not much else. I'm coming home the weekend before Thanksgiving (perhaps for my birthday with you guys?). So yeah, definitely looking forward to some kind of break. Right now, I'm the most busy I have ever been in my life (literally). I have crew practice six times a week, four of which is at 5AM (yes, that's right, five in the fucking morning.) Then, classes all afternoon, so far being the most challenging courses I've ever taken. I'm not sure if I like this full schedule or not, but I have to say it beats doing nothing all the time. I have a feeling the challenge is going to pay off big dividends in the future.
Whenever I can I'm playing Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow. The verdict: it comes closest to being as good as SOTN (it's actually kinda funny how that is now the standard in terms of Castlevania games). I'm playing as Alucard right now (as well as Julius, a Belmont, and Yoko, a Belnade; you can alternate between the three, and each character has his/her own abilities, weapons, subweapons, and moves). Of course, Alucard is the most badass; he has his Alcuard sword still, gravity boots, transforming into a bat, and hellfire ability.
The game overall is again very good. In comparison to SOTN though, it still lacks atmosphere. The music is decent but almost MIDI quality, so you don't really get that wonderful, clear Gothic music that you would in SOTN (but this maybe just a limitation of the DS). Also, level design is a "meh." There's a lot of parts where enemies are placed in random places; I'm not sure how else to describe it; I guess I'm saying that the "flow" of the castle is not as good as SOTN.
I'd had have to say the soul system in this game is the one thing that puts it above SOTN. There are many, many, diverse abilities to collect, most of which are awesome to use and have some sort of functionality throughout the game. On the same note, the visuals are pretty damn good (again though, it lacks a little detail in comparison to SOTN). Bosses are good, some of which you'd recognize from SOTN (there are actually a lot of enemies from SOTN in this game).
In the long run, DoS is a solid Castlevania title. However, I'm still hoping for some sort of pinnacle, something that is greater than SOTN; I'm talking an epic side scroller, with stunning visuals (spirites mind you, or "drawings," not 3D graphics), an awesome, evil-sounding (Gothic, etc) soundtrack, horrific enemies, terrifying bosses, the works. Lots of diversity and purpose in weapons, items, abilities, level-building, etc. Mostly though, I'd like to see Castlevania go back to its roots. Have more of a Gothic, mideval feel to it. While good, both Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow had this sort of futuristic theme to it (they take place in the 21st century) that I'm not sure I like in terms of a Castlevania title. A sort of nit-picky critique I'm sure, but I really think a Castlevania game would really shine if it were to stick to something reminscent of what SOTN tried to go for.
Anyways, enough about Castlevania. I guess I got kinda carried away. I need to borrow Firefly, cause I've been hearing too many good things about it. So, when I have the time and when it's available Dante? Probably not until Christmas break.
Otherwise, peace out suckas.