It's Strange
It amazes me how overly dramatic people like to be. And this is coming from me, mind you. I mean, it seems like when situations and problems arise, a good portion of the population would rather lay on their backs and go "THIS IS GAY, HOW UNFAIR MY LIFE IS NA NA NA NA NA" then actually, you know, deal with it. It's certainly easier to blame fate or bad luck I suppose, since it makes everything not your fault or responisibility. It's not YOUR fault that your relationship with your parents or girlfriend/boyfriend is going in the shitter, it's FATE. But even if you don't make any choices, you still have responsibility in your situations. You choose to lie on the ground and say the situation is hopeless. No one else does that for you. If something is bad in your life, well damnit, get off your ass and make it better. If that involves changing a person, well, you may not be successful, but the important thing is that you cared enough to try. Being pissy and dark because you think that will get people to try and figure out and solve your problems for you accomplishes nothing. Why? Because how many freaking Gandhis do we have around here that will actually wade through a tide of steaming selfish bullshit to figure out the underlying cause? People do this in relationships a lot. They pout and act like assholes but what they really want to do is have someone tell them "hey, I care, tell me what's wrong?" The problem is that it has to be even more than this sometimes. People expect this monologue ephiphany about the joy of love and whatnot. What is that, exactly? Are we as people really that narcissistic? Creating circumstances of conflict do not solve anything. If anything, it just worsens the situation. If you butt your head into someone, they aren't going to ask you why you're in a bad mood, chances are they're gonna butt right back. And we as people know this. So why do we keep butting heads? It's even worse if the other person has a problem and does the same thing. Imminement relationship apocalypse. I'm not going to name names, but this post is directed at a certain someone, and no, if you're reading it's almost definitely not you. The person it's toward doesn't even read this site, but I feel like it needs to be said anyhow. If you have problems, tell someone. "I'm frustrated. I feel sometimes like you're pushing me away. I'm pregnant. I once killed a hobo. Your mother may or may not be hitting on me. Sometimes when we're together I feel like I'm making the wrong choice." It doesn't matter what it is. People don't usually respond the way you think they'll do. Life is not a movie in which everyone overreacts and jumps on their feet with the screaming, but often people try to make it this way. Don't. Be real. If there's anything I've learned from trying to gauge how my mother will react to certain things over the years, it's that most of the time I'm wrong. I'll think she will respond badly so I start treating her as if she already made the decision. That's bad. Anyone who reads this, I'm urging you not to do it. It doesn't accomplish anything but stress and heartache. Unless you're into that, make the decision to talk about your problems rather than act them out. Yes, I know it's hard to talk about certain things. But it helps, you know? Best to get it out then to assume it will be taken badly but never know for sure.
And stop touching yourself down there without washing your hands first. I mean it. I'm watching you, freak.
And stop touching yourself down there without washing your hands first. I mean it. I'm watching you, freak.