Anyone up for this on Friday?


Starwatchers. CA + Sun storm == probable aurora

Anyone up for this on Friday?

Date: Friday, September 16, 2005
Time: 7 pm & 10 pm
Title: Batman Begins
Location: Wheeler Auditorium
Type: Film
Sponsor: SUPERB
Open to: Public
Ticket Required: Yes
Admission Cost: $3 w/ UCB Student ID, $5 General Admission
Contact Phone: 642-7477
Contact Email:
Description: Genius of mystery and intrigue Christopher Nolan (MEMENTO, FOLLOWING, INSOMNIA) helms this prequel to the Batman films based on the DC Comics series, explaining how Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale)--the billionaire prince of Gotham whose parents were killed in an alleyway mugging--transformed into the crime-fighting superhero.

Also as an FYI, there's an advanced screening of the Corpse Bride on the 22nd. I think. I dont know the details yet though.


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