2 Emails

i Doug Pan,

We hope you're getting pretty close to finishing your movies!

As a reminder, the movies and all equipment are due back
tomorrow, Thursday, between 11am - 6pm in the MLK Student Union
on the 4th Floor.

- Return all the equipment (laptop, camcorder, chargers for each,
firewire cable, manual, microphone and/or tripod if you got them)
- Follow instructions on page 6 to share your movie onto the
DV tape (labeled) and onto the computer hard drive
- Make sure you save the iMovie project (or bring it to us
if you used your own laptop)
- Go online to www.campusmoviefest.com and login; then click
on Submit Movie so you post the movie description that will
soon appear online
- Bring all the signed forms (cast list and general release)
- Bring DVD request forms if ready
- Try to put together a Chrismahanukwanzakah 30 second movie.
You'll get a free t-shirt if you're one of the first 10 teams to turn
it in, plus have a chance to win much more. Just have fun with it.
- Gather up ticket requests for the finale on Sunday the 11th.
Tickets are only $3 for team members and they're going fast.

Have questions? We're here to help.

* Email us at berkeley@campusmoviefest.com
* Call us at 684-1791
* Instant message us at campusmoviefest
* Visit us in RSF today from 10am - 3pm+
* Visit us in Madrone West (MLK) Thursday from 11am - 6pm
* Find us on Sproul most of the day

We'll be here to help you finish up, so bring your equipment in
early Thursday and we'll answer any last minute questions!

Then, get ready for the big showcase on Sunday the 11th,
at 7pm in Wheeler. The top movies will be shown (it'll be a
surprise which movies those are) in addition to highlights of
all the movies. Plus, even more movies will be shown in the
lobby after the event. And everyone in attendnace can win
great door prizes including Virgin Mobile phones, iPods, and
plane tickets. Tickets are only $3 for students and available
when we're at RSF, on Sproul, in MLK for equipment collection,
or from www.campusmoviefest.com. They're going fast!

We'll see you all Thursday before 6pm. Good luck!


The Campus MovieFest Team


Campus MovieFest at UC Berkeley is made possible
thanks to Cal Rec Sports, Berkeley Apple Users Group,
and our presenting partner, Virgin Mobile.


Hey Douglas,

Thanks for asking.

So, we're not legal experts here... and the quick answer is that if the version of Carmina Burana that you have was recorded somewhat recently, it's most likely copyrighted by the orchestra or publisher.

So, the safest thing would be not to use it. However...

I need to check in with some other members of my team, but from what I've read in the past couple minutes, you could use a version that's not copyrighted, and they specifically recommend a MIDI format. Which definitely doesn't sound as good, but it could be legal to use without paying a royalty.



So, if it's important to your movie, you can try one of those, or the version you have. If we're asked to take it down from the website by a publisher, we'd have to do that.

So, ideally we'll find out some more and email you soon. But otherwise, you'd be able to use it and sign that you have the rights if you think you do (the MIDI version, for example)... or to play it totally safe, you'd find something else that works.

Hope that helps a bit,

Campus MovieFest

On Sep 7, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Douglas Pan wrote:

I spoke to the guy in the RSF about using O Fortuna from Carmina Burana. He asked for me to find some information and for you guys to determine if it's acceptable.

Please reply really really quick.

Douglas Pan
Bleacher Boys


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