
Just to keep you occupied until I post about my vacation (it sucked), here's a cool site for you. They turn actually rock out songs from Metroid and Super Metroid. Some are a little bland and run too long, but some are downright awesomesauce. Have a listen.

Also: demon basses.


Bryan said…
Need is such an abused word. Do you really NEED it? And if that's the case, why don't you actually support your artist by purchasing the real thing?
Bryan said…
So, basically you're telling me you DON'T like the artist enough to support him by purchasing his music you "need."
Brian said…
Dante NEEDS to stop being gaysauce.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, you need to cut your gaysauce out.

Bring in the givesauce.
Brian said…
Travis is in Japansauce, which is totally not gaysauce, but heterosauce.
Bryan said…
I left a message on your answering machine. Err, your machinesauce. With my...voicesauce? I dunno. I'm trying it on.
Anonymous said…
No no no. You`re doing greatsauce! Just don`t abuse it-sauce.
Bryan said…
See, I would have said abusesauce it. I hadn't even comprehended hyphens.
Brian said…
Imma get me some applesaucesauce.


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