The Paradox of Advancement

All started with a little conversation I had with Erik and then it kinda became more:
Immanuel Kant was in Erik's words "a philospher [who] had a statement of how society and civilsation in general is well cultured and intelligent but not moralised" To further understand this one must understand what exactly does it mean to be advance and have culture or the lack of. A prime example is Patrick Batemen from American Psycho. Batemen is a man of culture, high society, a well to do man of Wall Street but in no way is he a man of morals. Batemen holds bizzare orgies best described as, *holy shit thats fucked up* and further more paves a path with tourtered, abused and later murdered prostitutes. This to some may seem evil and at least disgusting but its a very human condition fostered by this thing called wealth. Power given to those who want more and more. Pat does this not becasue he is sick but because he is dillusioned by power, he feels superior and at the same time grants himself the right to carry out his deeds.

Another example of a paragon of society gone awry would be the Romans. As bad ass as they were, they were extremely decadent. Romans held lavish parties full of sex drinking and other fine amusements yet in the same time they dug trenches to throw up in so thatthey can gorge themselves some more. Gladitorial pits were built for the ulitmate sport, men fighting to the death, entertainment at its best; better than any half ass reality TV show where people get "booted" off islands, these people were booted from life itself. In ancient Rome, it was OK to buttfuck someone of a lesser class, like a slave or a laborer but it was abhorred if it was the other way around. The notion that once one was in a state of power, anything and everything is possible, things completely amoral.

So why go to this state, why reach this point of pure disgust and become a monster; its simple, all because man must advance. People are never content and those who claim to be are too stupid to ask for more. Everyone is constantly seeking knowledge because the old cliche is ture, knowledge is power. The paradox comes in this form, morals are a construction, according to hedonistic pleasure is present when monsters like batemen are doing their dirty work. Pleasure is pain to others, superiority at its finest is not constrained to any moral what so ever.

will expand more later


Bryan said…
I do not think power corrupts. I think power is a system by which the corrupted can take flight.

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