For those who care, read, for those who dont and I can name someone off the top of my head right now, you can stop it'll just disappoint me.
Through out my entire life I haven't had many friends, not blessed like Dante or Lucio, who have people their for them. Growing up, my childhood was heavily sheltered by my family. *I'll explain why later* All I ever really had was Erik, a brother who to me defines what an older brother needs to be, family. I'm hoping Alyssa can undersatnd what it means to be family, people who you can turn to and trust, ones who would NEVER back stabb you. To sum most of it up, when I was in 5th grade, my uncle woke me up one night and taught my the biggest lesson in life, ever.
My uncle made one small dot in the center of a piece of paper: then he drew a small circle around it and then another which was a tad bit lager and finally one the size of the entire piece of paper. He said "this dot right here is you, the center; the small circle is us, your family set up to protect you" I nodded still not quite awake he continued "the next circle are your friends, people who you let into you life and from time to time can be as close as family but never mistake the two. Finally he pointed to the large circle, the one which occupied the majority of the paper, "this is everyone else out there trying to fuck with you!" I wasn't even 12 and unbeknownst to me those in actuality are the cold hard facts. That was the reason why I was sheltered, to be kept safe from anything and everything, good or bad in this world.
Somwhere along the lines of making friends, growing up and having a good time, I forgot that lesson, I forgot that people are spiteful creatures and treachery is everywhere. I can say for sure not I do not have many friends and those who I can call my friend I'm willing to go that extra mile for, call me up at 5AM and I'll be there without a shawdow of adoubt. Dante validate the fact that if you are my friend that I'm willing to do what ever it is to help by any means. May it be money or just a person to talk to I'm there. I extend my friendship readily, some times a little too readily.
This all goes back to a single thing for me, April 2, 2005 I found out my circle of friends is alot smaller than what I thought it was. Its not the fact that you guys ditched me and watched Sin City without me but rather how you guys just plain lied to me. I understand to my knowledge of what went on during a brief phone conversation and having it end with "we're not doing the movie today, too busy, don't even ask!" CLICK! The fact that others allowed it to happen just sickens me. I don't hold against the person who I was on the phone with because that becasue had the balls to apologize, he had the balls to make light of the situation and explain what happened, the facts and that was all I was really after.
I just don't understand,why you hate me so other then the fact that I'm in your words a "fucking cunt". I also dont understand this "Plus I will never live with having a crappy version of MY sweater when someone has a better one. Especially not Wong." The hell is that suppose to mean, have I once boasted about my paragon of a sweatshirt? From the current standpoint my terms are this to Travis and Travis in particular, I'm extending my hand openly to your friendship, take it or not its there. If not then you're nothing to me. You're not a person, not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do. How did things get so far? I don't know, so unfortunite, so unnecessary.
Yes its true, you guys can hurt me, are you proud?
Through out my entire life I haven't had many friends, not blessed like Dante or Lucio, who have people their for them. Growing up, my childhood was heavily sheltered by my family. *I'll explain why later* All I ever really had was Erik, a brother who to me defines what an older brother needs to be, family. I'm hoping Alyssa can undersatnd what it means to be family, people who you can turn to and trust, ones who would NEVER back stabb you. To sum most of it up, when I was in 5th grade, my uncle woke me up one night and taught my the biggest lesson in life, ever.
My uncle made one small dot in the center of a piece of paper: then he drew a small circle around it and then another which was a tad bit lager and finally one the size of the entire piece of paper. He said "this dot right here is you, the center; the small circle is us, your family set up to protect you" I nodded still not quite awake he continued "the next circle are your friends, people who you let into you life and from time to time can be as close as family but never mistake the two. Finally he pointed to the large circle, the one which occupied the majority of the paper, "this is everyone else out there trying to fuck with you!" I wasn't even 12 and unbeknownst to me those in actuality are the cold hard facts. That was the reason why I was sheltered, to be kept safe from anything and everything, good or bad in this world.
Somwhere along the lines of making friends, growing up and having a good time, I forgot that lesson, I forgot that people are spiteful creatures and treachery is everywhere. I can say for sure not I do not have many friends and those who I can call my friend I'm willing to go that extra mile for, call me up at 5AM and I'll be there without a shawdow of adoubt. Dante validate the fact that if you are my friend that I'm willing to do what ever it is to help by any means. May it be money or just a person to talk to I'm there. I extend my friendship readily, some times a little too readily.
This all goes back to a single thing for me, April 2, 2005 I found out my circle of friends is alot smaller than what I thought it was. Its not the fact that you guys ditched me and watched Sin City without me but rather how you guys just plain lied to me. I understand to my knowledge of what went on during a brief phone conversation and having it end with "we're not doing the movie today, too busy, don't even ask!" CLICK! The fact that others allowed it to happen just sickens me. I don't hold against the person who I was on the phone with because that becasue had the balls to apologize, he had the balls to make light of the situation and explain what happened, the facts and that was all I was really after.
I just don't understand,why you hate me so other then the fact that I'm in your words a "fucking cunt". I also dont understand this "Plus I will never live with having a crappy version of MY sweater when someone has a better one. Especially not Wong." The hell is that suppose to mean, have I once boasted about my paragon of a sweatshirt? From the current standpoint my terms are this to Travis and Travis in particular, I'm extending my hand openly to your friendship, take it or not its there. If not then you're nothing to me. You're not a person, not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do. How did things get so far? I don't know, so unfortunite, so unnecessary.
Yes its true, you guys can hurt me, are you proud?