The End Is Nigh

Reading someone else's blog recently made me realize prom is coming up. Now, blame it on American culture or ridiculous romanticism, but prom is the one school event that I've ever tied any sense of importance to. I don't know why either, but it just bugs me. It's like a sound from far away, slowly coming closer, and much like the person whose blog I was reading, I realized another fatal issue: I don't have a date. Now, call me a jackass, but I actually take the prom semi-seriously. I know that classifies me with the idiots at our school, but sympathize with me in the fact that I've had this drilled into me since I was three. Now I know Alexis for one doesn't seem to sympathize with me since we got into an arguement about it like what, four days ago? No matter, the point is that this actually matters to me.

So by this time Freshman year I was expecting to be, you know, WITH someone. And I don't just mean with someone like I have a date, I mean with someone that I really care about in which asking would be almost a waste of time. Well, reality sure shot that to Hell. So what I'm left with is a clock ticking and an ultimately self-imposed disappointment looming on the horizon. Ah well. Chalk that up next to getting into a good college and getting into college period.

Man, I'm never going to find anyone.


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