Short Order

Well, this time I only drew one picture, and my camera's capture quality went down by several degrees. But I can assure you that it looks good in real life.

That's Rorschach from Watchmen if you didn't know. He's saying "On Friday night, a comedian died in New York..." and the symbol in the corner is his tag, with his name beneath it. I waish my camera didn't suck balls.

EDIT: Oxie tried to touch it up a bit, but I'm just going to have to take another shot of it:

Anyhow, progress report came and went. I only got a bad grade in science, so my mom had a Hell of a time trying to be disappointed. She says my grades are still low but she also realizes that they are slowly rising instead of slowly falling. So she didn't punish me, just gave me all this "you're almost a man" talk. You know how it is.

Other than that nothing really has been going on. I hate breaks like this because they're too long and I end up doing nothing and getting into the habit of doing nothing, and come school time again it's like the first day of school minus the excitement. I should probably call Katy, as now would be a most opportune time. Eh, I'm not losing my head over it.

I'll add more to this when I actually have something to say.


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