Fucking With Minds

So I just had a conversation with Travis that I thought was hilarious. I'll bet my bottom dollar he didn't. Anyhow, here it is:
(Please note that I am HBlarg and he is MonkeyHero05)

HBlarg: Hey.
MonkeyHero05: sup boy-ee!
HBlarg: Yeah YEAH!
HBlarg: So my stepdad totally accidently gave me like thirty bucks.
MonkeyHero05: cool
MonkeyHero05: now you have tons of money
HBlarg: I know.
MonkeyHero05: Well, now you can get girls too!
MonkeyHero05: WOOT
HBlarg: I KNOW!
HBlarg: I'm totally gonna SCORE!
MonkeyHero05: What did you do all day
HBlarg: Today?
HBlarg: SATs.
HBlarg: And get this: THE WRONG ONES.
MonkeyHero05: HUH!?!?!?!
HBlarg: I took SAT 2s, which is fine if I'm going to a UC.

But I'm not.
MonkeyHero05: you meant to take the other one?
HBlarg: Nope, the site was so shitty it didn't say 1 and 2 it said Reasoning and Subjects.
HBlarg: I thought it was subjects.
HBlarg: Apparently, I'm an idiot.
MonkeyHero05: wow, you screwed up...
HBlarg: YEAP.
MonkeyHero05: no
MonkeyHero05: SAT..1
HBlarg: So I get to test for ANOTHER three hours.
MonkeyHero05: greatest SSaturday...EVER
HBlarg: What happened?
MonkeyHero05: I was, uh, mocking your day...
HBlarg: Oh.
HBlarg: Is that new post the Mosh video?
MonkeyHero05: YEAH!
MonkeyHero05: LIKE TOTALLY
HBlarg: Eh, it was okay.
MonkeyHero05: shut up
HBlarg: It seems like Eminem is a little off his game. He's usually much sharper than that.
MonkeyHero05: ....sure
HBlarg: The whole thing felt kinda apathetic.
MonkeyHero05: I guess if he has to be funny all the time...
HBlarg: Did you hear the statistics of how many young voters "rocked the vote"?
HBlarg: I just mean he's usually got something up his sleeve that's a little less generic.
MonkeyHero05: ......
MonkeyHero05: I don't think it was a young people thing
HBlarg: Anyhow, less than 17% of young people voted.
HBlarg: So it was a young people thing. No one to counter the Bible Belt.
MonkeyHero05: your a young people, and shut up
HBlarg: I'm not old enough to vote.
MonkeyHero05: no it wasn't
HBlarg: Yes, it was.
MonkeyHero05: It was just him really pissed off
MonkeyHero05: And he said vote at the end
HBlarg: Doesn't matter.
MonkeyHero05: KSHUTUP
HBlarg: Only 17 out of a hundred kids heard him.
MonkeyHero05: DOUCHE
HBlarg: What? It's true.
MonkeyHero05: Was it even aired beofer then?
HBlarg: Whether you want to believe it or not, we lost because kids SUCK ASS.
MonkeyHero05: don't think so
MonkeyHero05: MTV won't play that
MonkeyHero05: it's not abouit kids
HBlarg: Fuck MTV.
MonkeyHero05: your point is moot!
MonkeyHero05: MTV plays for young people!
HBlarg: MTV plays for stupid people.
MonkeyHero05: the young people didn't see it
MonkeyHero05: your a butt
HBlarg: And stupid people voted Bush.
MonkeyHero05: YOUNG people
MonkeyHero05: you went in a circle that ruined your point
HBlarg: WTF are you talking about?
MonkeyHero05: never mind
HBlarg: You aren't even listening, you're just being a mouthpiece.
MonkeyHero05: your dumb
MonkeyHero05: no
HBlarg: Really?
HBlarg: Kerry lost because the youth of this country sat down or voted Bush.
MonkeyHero05: on't
HBlarg: It's a fact.
HBlarg: You think I'm a Bush fan? Of course not. But I know when to just accept that we got fucked by ourselves.
MonkeyHero05: *Fucked
MonkeyHero05: listen
MonkeyHero05: you said that not enough young people voted for Kerry
MonkeyHero05: than you said that the young people are stupid, you said they voted for Bush anyways
HBlarg: No, I said MTV is for stupid people, and stupid people voted Bush. Don't put words in my mouth.
MonkeyHero05: no
MonkeyHero05: Who would see that video?
MonkeyHero05: or show it?
MonkeyHero05: MTV
MonkeyHero05: so it doesn't make a difference
HBlarg: Everyone knows the shit he was saying already, moron.'
MonkeyHero05: MTV is this video's only outlet!
MonkeyHero05: ....ok
MonkeyHero05: it wasn't a youth think anyways
MonkeyHero05: he just said vote
HBlarg: I'm not talking about the video, douche.
HBlarg: I'm talking about the ELECTION.
HBlarg: We lost the ELECTION because no young people voted.
MonkeyHero05: That's fine
HBlarg: The entire marketing campaign to get kids to vote was a HUGE waste of money.
MonkeyHero05: we started talking about the video though
MonkeyHero05: don't care
MonkeyHero05: you suck
HBlarg: No, you THOUGHT I was.
MonkeyHero05: .......
HBlarg: Regardless, I still own your soul.
MonkeyHero05: ..................
HBlarg: That's right.
MonkeyHero05: You weren't even having my argument, that was such a waste of time, you suck
HBlarg: Anger is the first step towards acceptance.
HBlarg: I think you've made a lot of progress.
MonkeyHero05: .......
MonkeyHero05: Im going to sleep
HBlarg: That's right. You should rest now.
HBlarg: We can't go too fast.
MonkeyHero05: ........?
MonkeyHero05: k
HBlarg: Too much progress can be bad too if it's unhandled.
MonkeyHero05: shut uuuuuup....
HBlarg: You just lie down and reflect on my ownership of your soul, and we'll talk later.
MonkeyHero05: omg
MonkeyHero05: you so got nowhere with that
HBlarg: Sweet Jesus, step two: denial.
HBlarg: Okay, really, you should go now. Don't push it.
HBlarg: You could ruin this moment.

He then proceded to log off. Oh man, his comments in this post are gonna be priceless.


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