Comic Relief
Oh my GOD. Move over John Edward, the real biggest douche just stepped out of his limo.
Tipping the scales at 40 lbs. and hitting almost 12 years old, this idiot is here to tell us how it is. When he isn't "smakn dem bitches" or listening to that Culo song that's "hurra tite like my 5th grade pants", xactlywhereimat enjoys "ghetto thuggin", being "hyphy in mai white tee and mai black jeans in mai Arr force one", and doin dis stuff again. Don't agree with what he says? Well, allow him to clarify his point of view: "L8telY I b gettn' hurra hatn' CoMmentZ. YooZ nigGaz besT baX oFf, 4 wE AlL KiLz yoo All. If yOu ain't LikN' mAH siTe den jus bak oFf. Leevs yooz name in da Comemnets, den we'Ll c who b Laughn'. AnywAyZ, i Got Betta sHitz tO do0 wit mah Time. BaK ofF NigGaZ, f0 i busT a cAp up yo AsZ."
I gave him this to chew on:
Dude, you're 11. Me alone could take your whole crew, even if you had the guns of the fucking Navarone. You keep pimping those prepubescent "hos" though "lil G." I'm sure in elementary world you're the king of rock. BWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
But before I go back to dementia land, I leave you with one more present:
EDIT: Yes, that is a cat bed on my head. I couldn't find a big enough hat.
EDIT EDIT: Well, it turns out it's actually Andrew. Damn you, you got me. And Matt. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Tipping the scales at 40 lbs. and hitting almost 12 years old, this idiot is here to tell us how it is. When he isn't "smakn dem bitches" or listening to that Culo song that's "hurra tite like my 5th grade pants", xactlywhereimat enjoys "ghetto thuggin", being "hyphy in mai white tee and mai black jeans in mai Arr force one", and doin dis stuff again. Don't agree with what he says? Well, allow him to clarify his point of view: "L8telY I b gettn' hurra hatn' CoMmentZ. YooZ nigGaz besT baX oFf, 4 wE AlL KiLz yoo All. If yOu ain't LikN' mAH siTe den jus bak oFf. Leevs yooz name in da Comemnets, den we'Ll c who b Laughn'. AnywAyZ, i Got Betta sHitz tO do0 wit mah Time. BaK ofF NigGaZ, f0 i busT a cAp up yo AsZ."
I gave him this to chew on:
Dude, you're 11. Me alone could take your whole crew, even if you had the guns of the fucking Navarone. You keep pimping those prepubescent "hos" though "lil G." I'm sure in elementary world you're the king of rock. BWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
But before I go back to dementia land, I leave you with one more present:
EDIT: Yes, that is a cat bed on my head. I couldn't find a big enough hat.
EDIT EDIT: Well, it turns out it's actually Andrew. Damn you, you got me. And Matt. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.