Me and my friends recently watched a crappy movie on It's called FF: Mixed in Balamb. It wasn't very funny, that turned out to be pretty unanimous among us. Actually, watch the flash first. Here: Well I wrote a review, here it is:
Ha Ha...YEAH RIGHT! | August 3, 2004 | |
Me and my friends are avid Final Fantasy fans and we don't think your flash is nearly as nut-tastic as it was cracked up to be. Squall is a loser, first of all, and your timing needs work. They move like akward people, and their heads are very large. What are they all doing in the same room, even in a hypothetical situation? Final Fantasy is already hypothetical enough, what were you thinking? Im so confused after watching this...why did Ash get stabbed in the nuts? Your directing needs work, fo example, take lessons from Megaman vs Quickman or MOONLIGHT. Those rock. I give you points for effort. Everyone needs to try. I like Final Fantasy very much, and you killed it a bit with oddly animated fanboy action. The funniest part was when Speed Racer said something with the word bitch in it. Yeah, the shots, angles, and timing need work. Not to mention the fact that I didn't laugh. My other friend got bored and stopped, and he played FF7 5 times through without saving (exageration) but what I'm trying to say is we are fans, we just don't know what the hell this is. Marry me, or Optimus Prime will watch you... | |
 | Graphics: 6 | Sound: 4 | Interactivity: 1 | Style: 5 | Violence: 8 | Humor: 0 | |  |'s what I got back. It's the most hateful response I have ever gotten. This guy, oh man, he can't take a bad review so good. I actually have a hard time understanding what he's talking about a little. Had to read it a couple of times.
This sounds really geekish, I thought not answering review anymore but dude, you over did it. Squall is a loser... so? you want me to make a tribute or a parody. . . , place more attention, Speed Racer doesn't say Bitch, you really need to get a life...
OMG I'VE PLAYED FF7 5 times through without saving, dude, seriously, go one with life. OH NOOOO, Squall was a loser, NOOOO my heroes noooo my feelings got torn apart, sorry, you pissed me off. Graphics 6? Dude, the drawings are much better than most on the portal, Sound 4? oh why? as you could've heard, there was no scatchiness in the sound, NONE, oh well
"Marry me, or Optimus Prime will watch you" is he your hero or something? sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you bothered me and I have the chance to do so too. | |
I thought this guy sounded pretty childish, ME get a life, look what you did! Hey, you like Squall, I like Optimus. Let's HUG! I didn't even know he was trying to tell me that I failed at hurting his hero, Squall. I actually never assumed it was his hero, I just think Squall's a douche. Anytime this guy uses the word "pissed", or "bothered", just replace it with "hurt my feelings", or "made me cry". But really, to the author who goes by 5-7, I'm sorry you had to hear my criticism, and that I got a chance to "bother" you, I'm happy that you also got a chance to hurt my feelings, as you so eagerly did. Thanks for mentioning it, too.
With your guys' help, I might just get through 5-7's savage revenge...
Here's the link. again. But really, the movie does suck. Watch MOONLIGHT instead. Or if your looking for a GOOD FF tribute, go to Got to Portal, and than the Top 50 of All TIme, and watch FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix, or FF7: About Random Battles. Those should do a fan proud.
That guy is such a douche for a 19 year old. Oh wait, he's 19. Never mind, he's just a douche.
UPDATE: Apparently, not only did the author think I was serious when I said I had a friend who played through FF7 five times in a row, so does other people. Here, look.
that guy is a freak you cant pass five time ff7 wihtout saving it tok me 2 month... | |
 | Graphics: 10 | Sound: 9 | Interactivity: 10 | Style: 9 | Violence: 10 | Humor: 10 | |  | |
I could have sworn I wrote "(exageration)" next to that statement. I guess people don't know what that word means. Yes ROCK DUDE, my friend is a freak, but you are retarded. I'm aware I did not spell exaggeration correctly, but c'mon, phonetics!