Alright Alright

Ok let's do this.
I am filling in for Lucio, who is not here to do the normal Wednesday Happy Pill scheduling update. Quite some shoes to fill, I know, but I think my smaller, more hobit-like feet will manage fine. There is really not much to say as far as what has been planned for this weekend in filming, more like what were not going to be filming and how I'm going to deal with it. Well, as of Wednesday, we will have a little over 2 and a half weeks of Summer vacation, thus leaving us screwed as far as time, resources, and most likely crew and actors. Me and Luc had originally come to an consensus on what number of Happy Pills we should accomplish in completing by the time our Summer vacation was over. I decided on eight, and Lucio said something like "Psht! I doubt we could do so little!". Well, here we are with around one done, and I have completely surprised myself. Look how time flies, and how lame we are! It's these kinds of surprises that help us learn about ourselves, and what kind of people we are. Either way, what the hell are we going to do now?
Well, I was talking to Andrew on the phone a day or so ago, and spoke to him about our filming hitch and he helped me out a bunch in deciding what to do next. I told him about the eight we were supposed to get done, and he laughed at me. He said maybe we should do about 3. "Including the one we already did" I asked. "Yes" he said. I was disappointed, but it's true, if we could get two more done, we would have three down the hatch. So that leaves us with these two for the Summer remaining.
1) Ass Hole Bussiness Man
2) D.A.R.E skit
With the Asthma Hunt one done, those will be our three. Unfortunately for the Asshole Bussiness man one, we will probably have to do that one around the end of Summer break, as Brian will be going and coming for a week or so with college stuff. I'm still not sure what days, but I will zero in on that later. Maybe if he reads this he can put them in the comments link under this entry? Maybe? Brian? I'm sure it will work out. The D.A.R.E skit can be completed any day. We just need the whole day, that's all. THIS THURSDAY LUCIO WILL BE BACK! I hope everyone is clear on that now. He will be bringing Drew, so it will be joyous for all. He will most likely help, and Lucio of course will. Best days for filming will Friday and Sunday. Here's my schedule
Wednesday) I don't know, maybe I'll just be hanging out or I'll go to Hannah's church thingy, cuz I was invited I guess. Otherwise free. Working out in the morning (not that that effects anything)
Thursday) Ill be hanging out with Bryan and Michelle, I'm surer we could all get together, it doesn't matter. The more people to meet Drew, the better.
Friday) FRIDAY!
Saturday) Musashi actually has his shit together, so I said I would go help him film some chase movie with him and Nikita over at some Campus. I said I would...
It would actually be really great if we could get earlier starts to film. Like Thursday, or any of the days next week. I'm going to have more stuff to do as it gets closer to school. Hair cut, clothes, blah blah blah. Anyways. We could do D.A.R.E without a script. All we need really is the lyrics, and most importantly, we'll need the cast all day. That's about the extant for preparing that skit will need. It is IMPERATIVE we have the cast all day, as we will have scenes shot specifically for the purpose of showing the contrast between night and day. So we will be doing that...yeah. Other wise Im free for suggestions of doing another Happy Pill, if the others don't work out. BUT! If we do, it has to be an organized idea. For example. We could decide to do Stories of a Drunk Man instead one day. But that idea is so open ended, it would need to be planned out before hand to make sure we get it done, and that it's not crap. If we try and make up some story on the spot, it will probably be pretty lame. That kind of thing needs a script. I'm 98% sure of that. So this Friday, we are ALL wearing our shirts this time! I washed mine, a week ago none of us had ours, except Lucio. 7 days from then should be plenty of time to have it ready to be warned. Whoever doesn't wear it should be punished some way or another. I think Lucio is exempt this week because he was the only one last week who wore his. Especially since he'll be coming back from LA and maybe having the shirt will be an issue. Doesn't matter. ANYWAYS! On a cooler note. I found this shop on Park Street that does custom designs for shirts. Their prints look like quality material, not prints that will wear off any time soon, so I want to get mine done there. It looks like for a custom design it will be 25$ Unless she can make the deigns on her computer with some program she might have, it will be much cheaper. Im sure If she makes the symbol once on her computer, and we buy several shirts, she'll give us the cheaper price. So yeah, the shirts come in Black, White, Red, Yellow, gay....

Onimusha 3 ROCKS! It will go down as a classic FOREVER! PLAY IT!

-Mad Davey Flint


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