I managed to find my way back to an internet cafe. So let's get this a move on...

I got no sleep and the plane landed. I got about five hourse of sleep from the time I woke up, to the time the 7:00 plane took off. I spent another 9 out of the next ten hours on he plane, AWAKE, and than I didn't get to sleep until late that night. I didn't sleep well. I still felt good though, tired, but my brain was telling me it was the afternoon. Of what day? Christ! My brain wasn't making any sense for me. Anyways, on to more important things, lkke the fact that I am in the UK! I really have found myself thinking of things differently now. I have never NOT been in America. So weird. You know there are other people out there, but until you see them, one will probably not understand what it is to have the rest of the world surrounding us. People say that the UK, especially London, is like the pit stop of the world. Not really in a bad way, if it even sounds bad. But for instance, there are TONS of Indian people. Technically many of them are Indian, Pakistany, or Bangladeshian...NOT just Indian. Got to get that straight, apparently. So many things are different. I have been taking major video by the way. I have gotten to the point where the way I have filmed things it would not be pleasurable to watch straight from camera to TV. It's alot like stock footage. I'm just going to have to spend a week editing it. I promise it will be pretty good. I hope. If there is anything you guys want to hear about or know about...any questions, just comment. Back to the show. We arrive in London whilst it was still daylight, so it must have been early afternoon. I remeber seeing the England pasures from the plane. The airport was kinda far, but not too far, from London. flying over...things are different. I remember what I usually see flying back into Oakland: Lots of streets, highways, many bushy tree, houses with complicated looking industrial roofs, buildings, lots of swimming pool, and one can usually point out all the parks in the area, you kmow, all the baseball diamonds and stuff. Here...........all I see is GREEN. It is beatiful. I am far away from the big city, equivalent to Alameda from San Francisco. I see parks, but now baseball diamonds. I am informed by a women they play football and rugby. For you dumbasses, football is "soccer". The correct name for the sport. Im sure most of you knew that though, it's ok. Just lots of green. The only word that was coming to my mind at that point was "natural". Very natural. Things just look like they werer growing, healthily, without the hinderance of pollution or overbuilding. The houses all have a "cottage" look to them. I quickly got used to this concept. Anywhere that is not the city all the houses have this look: Stone, triangular, pointed roofs, little square window, little chimneys, and sometimes the roofs were even thatched! That or the shingles are usually old and molded over. Most shingles look like they have leprosy from all the liches grown on them. The plane had terrible food by the way. Breakfeast especially. Those of us who ate the breakfeast "burrito" got sick. Which was all of us except me. It was basically the little morning burritos we can buy at school, the ones Matt would buy. I didn't want to get into explaining that with the family that I had seen it's kind at school, alhough I have a good hunch the one's at school aren't popisen. The inside of the English airport is very different. Either the whole place is under some kind of reconstruction that they gave up on, or it is as shitty as it looks. The latter was correct. It looked like the inside of a submarine. The walls whitish paint looked thick and constantly wet, and there were little pipes running along the ceiling covered in the same kiond of paint. The ceiling is low and it feels like I am in a human sized gerbal tubing made for ten people wide. It was pretty crappy compared to the huge scy lines and glas ceiling of our airports. Man, it was like a freaking bus station. We give a couple people our passports, and we get it stamped. We are now immagrant. Huh? Huh! OH! IMMIGRANTS! I know what those are. Us? No! Were American! Immigrants you say? Pshh! Whatever you say...huh? No, no, that can't be right...WE'RE IMMIGRANTS? I see.... So on to interesting things.
We get off of the plane and go home in a Taxi. The taxis are nice and are built like old fashion English town cars. They are new on the inside. he takes us to our Holiday Inn hotel. One may think that a Holiday Inn hotel is not "cool" or "nice", but let me tell you me, that this is the biggest Holiday Inn in the world. Not exagerating, I mean really, London is home to the biggest Holiday Inn in the world. Whoopee! A+ I win! Anyways, it is very nie in here, and the first thing I notice something that burns the inside of my head. People smoker here! Egads! I ducked for cover from the death sticks. This can't be right, the English aren't animals. How could they smoke? I decide to bypass my fears of the dangers of second hand smoke on the trust of English character...for now. Shit. I got to go soon. Anyways, we took a tour of London from a guide giving a tour about Jack the Ripper. It was very cool. More on that later. LAter!
-Mad Dave Flint


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