My Job Sucks Ass

So I had to work this Friday, which is why I didn't get to hang out with anyone, or make shifty eyes with Danielle, or anything. I got there at 5, which is when I was supposed to get there. Didn't yet eat dinner obviously. So six o'clock rolls around and I'm hungry. Well, according to my boss that is unacceptable. "We eat at 7:45 around here!" But he cut me some slack anyway, and I ate. Later on, the place starts to pick up, and I'm the only one in the back, meaning I:
A: Wash the dishes
B: Bus the tables
C: Do the salad bar
D: Run orders to tables

While there are not one, not two, not three, but 8 douchebags at the counter doing NOTHING! Of course, my boss views this as my fault, so he yells at me for not being able to bus a table upstairs and down simultaneously. But he's a stressed out guy, I can see why he wouldn't be paying attention to the real problem. He eventually leaves around 8 and the heat on me cools down. Enter Douchebags, party of 24. We close around 9:15, and I was very ready to leave. They finished eating around 9:00, so I went up there to bus their table. "No, we're not done yet" is what I got from all of them. There was no food on the tables. Fair enough, I'll wait five minutes. THEY LEFT AT 10:45. Meanwhile, their douchy kids are leaving garbage everywhere. Me and Mike ended up cleaning until near midnight. Goddamnit.

Anyhow, I forgot to grab Dalder's address, so I'll post it later. I'd like everyone who can to write something, even if you don't know him. I'm trying to show him that he has a lot of support, so he doesn't off himself or something. Nothing else exciting that I can think of, except the usual drama. Angst pisses me off, and being angsty myself is worse, so I'll spare you another round. I made another Del (Tha Funky Homosapien) CD. He's so badass. I'm thinking about doing another round of drawing display, but I don't have much new stuff. Uhhhh....shit. I can't think of anything that isn't dramatic now. I've run out of mundane. So...yeah.


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