Ok, I meant to put this as a comment but all the comment links disappeared so yeah I'm just gonna post. Dante you're a freak, I'm not exactly one to talk but it really sounds like you're caring too much and definitely dwelling on the past way too much, whatever happened happened and you can't do anything about it now. And you overreacted (at least to me you did) you care to much about all the small things, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride (maybe I should listen to some of my own advice a little more). And this is your first girl, so of course you don't know what to do next, I mean shit I have some pretty fucking embarrassing stories between me and my first (my first was the unmentionable so no I'm not gonna talk about it EVER!!). D had a boyfriend for God knows how long and I'm sure she knows what to do next just follow her lead, and if she doesn't know what's next either then you can both be embarrassed first times together, nothing wrong with that. Just cool it a little, and that Rebecca thing, I wouldn't even know were to begin with that, and I don't even know who she is so I'm gonna leave a "no comment" on that whole subject, just try your best to forget her and see what's right in front of you. You think too're like a girl (Note from Dante: does this mean only girls think? I woldn't be surprised). Oh, and can I get the link to that evil test thing you took, I wanna see my results, and I won't post it if that's a problem although I don't see how it would be. But remember this is me and I'm not exactly one to talk, so you can either listen or not, that's your choice but if you do one thing, just don't think so much, that's why your having so much trouble, your thinking about stuff too much, look at me, I hardly ever think(Note from Dante: Can I quote you on that?) and I have zero problems when it comes to stuff like that. But remember always and forever, you're a pirate AND PIRATES DON'T BITCH OVER WOMEN OR SO CALLED FRIENDS WHO EVEN JOKE ABOUT PIRATES BEING LAME!!! PIRATES RULE!!!
