So apparently I wasn't supposed to go shopping with the girls yesterday. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST FUCKING TELL ME?!? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! It's not like I wouldn't understand; Hell, I got the impression that I wasn't supposed to be there the whole time. The only time I felt normal was when I launched that bitch Starbucks cup and blew its ass off. Why do females have to be so confusing?
So if you haven't seen Passion of the Christ yet, do it. Even if you aren't religious. I mean what happened in that movie actually happened (allegedly), and even if you aren't interested in the 'Jesus is your savior' message, the sheer animalism that people exhibited in that movie should tell you how society has evolved for the better. And don't tell me it was anti-Semitic; there were a ton of Jews in that movie, and many of them were good. If anything, that showed what men of power were like back then, not just Jews.
So now I feel douchy for writing that entry below. But I was incredibly inspired from Lucio's writings of the nature of love. Was what I wrote true? ....Yes. Was it a little rash? Definitely. Will Monday be interesting? I don't think that's in dispute. I can't stand smoke and mirrors anymore; that's the way I used to be. I like things black and white, and sometimes that pushes me to extreme lengths. So in the future, I'd like you people to be straight up with me. You don't want me to come, say so. You don't like me, say so. I'd rather hear a true "fuck you" than a fake "you rock".
Oh, and by the way, there is a Hell.
Thanks to Something Awful for pointing that out.
So if you haven't seen Passion of the Christ yet, do it. Even if you aren't religious. I mean what happened in that movie actually happened (allegedly), and even if you aren't interested in the 'Jesus is your savior' message, the sheer animalism that people exhibited in that movie should tell you how society has evolved for the better. And don't tell me it was anti-Semitic; there were a ton of Jews in that movie, and many of them were good. If anything, that showed what men of power were like back then, not just Jews.
So now I feel douchy for writing that entry below. But I was incredibly inspired from Lucio's writings of the nature of love. Was what I wrote true? ....Yes. Was it a little rash? Definitely. Will Monday be interesting? I don't think that's in dispute. I can't stand smoke and mirrors anymore; that's the way I used to be. I like things black and white, and sometimes that pushes me to extreme lengths. So in the future, I'd like you people to be straight up with me. You don't want me to come, say so. You don't like me, say so. I'd rather hear a true "fuck you" than a fake "you rock".
Oh, and by the way, there is a Hell.
Thanks to Something Awful for pointing that out.