Matt Actually Spelled 'Oblivious' Correctly! There's Hope Yet!
Professing my love? To an extent, I suppose. I don't know how to explain it like I said; I don't really know what love is. What I feel is not what I call true love in the sense; more like the love Lucio has for all of us (if you read the article), but in a different manner. This is actually different for me, because I knew Rebecca a long time before saying ANYTHING to her. Factor in that I'm trying to fill the gap that I've previously left void, and I'm sure you may have some inkling of what (I think) I mean. Also consider this Matt: you're giving me advice, yet you seem to hold some kind of loathing for humanity. What is that? It's a little contradictory to me. You're absolutely right when you say it has a good chance of scaring her off, which is why I was very reluctant to even consider saying it. I know for a fact that I'm jumping the gun at least a little bit. But as I said, Lucio's writing was very inspiring. Plus, emotion for me is a very powerful thing. I don't know why I'm trying to rationalize insanity here; I'm honestly too freaked out of the thought of her possible reaction to the previous posts to call her (and it's already 10 PM).
Jesus, what the Hell have I been saying? Look, don't listen to me. My words should be heard and laughed off. I'm extremely prone to exaggeration, and I needed to let off some normal feelings that were amplified by frustration. Maybe. I dunno. I've just been reading this really logical guide on how to destroy zombies (apparently they do exist, I'll show you the book on Monday) and realizing that I've been living in my own little fantasy world. Reality and hope are usually not the same thing. It may be an easy to fix thing, I don't know - as I said, I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a fucking clue as to how to go about a relationship. As to whether or not this will be my last relationship, you have the data of history and humanity on your side, but who knows? People have married their high school sweethearts before (not that I'm trying to give any implications, ARRRRRR). I think I'm taking this way too seriously. As for comparing to Andrew and Megan, everyone is different. As for video games losing its value, I consider a relationship a much more serious commitment than personal entertainment (cough). As for to whether Danielle feels the same way, I don't know - but I doubt it. Perhaps I was pushing for an extreme end to a pretty mundane past few days. Perhaps this is just an extreme perversion (in the classic sense of the word) of my feeling like a shitty boyfriend complex. Perhaps I got into another relationship too soon, and still need to heal from the horror of Rebecca. I just don't know.
Like I said, don't listen to me. Please.
Jesus, what the Hell have I been saying? Look, don't listen to me. My words should be heard and laughed off. I'm extremely prone to exaggeration, and I needed to let off some normal feelings that were amplified by frustration. Maybe. I dunno. I've just been reading this really logical guide on how to destroy zombies (apparently they do exist, I'll show you the book on Monday) and realizing that I've been living in my own little fantasy world. Reality and hope are usually not the same thing. It may be an easy to fix thing, I don't know - as I said, I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a fucking clue as to how to go about a relationship. As to whether or not this will be my last relationship, you have the data of history and humanity on your side, but who knows? People have married their high school sweethearts before (not that I'm trying to give any implications, ARRRRRR). I think I'm taking this way too seriously. As for comparing to Andrew and Megan, everyone is different. As for video games losing its value, I consider a relationship a much more serious commitment than personal entertainment (cough). As for to whether Danielle feels the same way, I don't know - but I doubt it. Perhaps I was pushing for an extreme end to a pretty mundane past few days. Perhaps this is just an extreme perversion (in the classic sense of the word) of my feeling like a shitty boyfriend complex. Perhaps I got into another relationship too soon, and still need to heal from the horror of Rebecca. I just don't know.
Like I said, don't listen to me. Please.