War is Hell

So yes, I'm now at continuation school. I'm suprised no one else posted something before. It's funny how before I was there, everyone there was a dumbass and going there was a joke. Now I'm there and everyone there is a victim, and going there is a tragedy. C'mon guys, I'm no less stupid than the crack addicts and pregnant hoes.

Or am I?

Anyhow, I had a pretty long discussion with Danielle on Friday. Wow. I mean, wow with italics and shit. I must have talked at her for two and a half hours. If you must now, yes I did ask her out. She said no. She didn't want to hurt a certain friend of her's feelings, a very noble reason in my opinion (especially since that friend reads this site). What followed was an awkward hug (she's like bite-sized if you didn't know), and a walk of denial (or maybe the dropoff at the end of blissful thinking) to her house. It's a lot easier to talk when it's about something else, obviously. I think I may have told her within the said two hours that followed everything. That includes Rebecca, whom I've told about no one that wasn't a pirate about. I mean, my God, there was no stopping points in there. I love someone that I can just talk with. It was pretty awesome. Not to sound like a stalker, but between you and me, she totally rocks. Of course I told her that (kinda), but I dunno, I don't have a way with words that aren't written. Everytime I attempt something, my....inhibition?...keeps me from pushing on. Ask Oxie. If I spoke in real life the way I speak online, my God, the outcome might have been different. But there is no use dwelling on the past now. As I am fond of saying, the past is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

So what was I going on about? Oh man, the Bleacher Boys are gonna kick my ass for being so touchie feelie. I mean, I never even have classes with Danielle. Well, like 2 or 3 over 3 years. I don't know; there's just something about her that's amazing. Something I can totally relate to, yet is completely new. As I said before, ask Oxie: if a no had me on Cloud Nine, imagine what a yes would have been like. I was literally shaking up and down from...excitement, or overstimulation...or something. I've never honestly felt that way before, not even with Rebecca (and I told her some pretty deep shit, as some of you readers may recall). You can even ask Dalder; I never thought I'd have a permanent inner grin on a day in which I lost 90% of my friends (except in 'Nam, but that was a crazy year damnit). Something about being let inside a person as...incredible as that is truly a blessing in my eyes. Maybe I've gone over the top. Well, I suppose my ass kickins will be a comin' after school tomorrow. I can't read this paragraph objectively without saying it's either overly hopeful or Goddamn creepy. Well, feelings are feelings I suppose. What the Hell am I talking about?

This is what happens when no one updates the site in about a week. My emotional side starts peeking. Don't let it happen again. Oh, and Travis; now you understand. Oh you understand all right. You understand my fist in your face!



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