I was hoping to provide somewhat of a more serious foundation to the future posts of this site with my last...two or three entries, but alas, I have failed. It may be a bit too soon to judge, but honestly, what is that Travis? Not to say that you've killed someone or that what you've posted is horrible taboo, but it is what I've been trying to avoid. We can chat like this anywhere - that's what our mouths are for. Writing is a whole other matter. I'm the type of person who sees writing as an art form; a tool of self-expression that has transcended above simple conversation. Of course, the proliferation of programs such as AIM have watered that down, but let's ignore that for a second so I can get to the point. If I were to compare your post to say, drawing as an art, it would be like art for an advertisement; it's certainly not annoying, and a magazine isn't complete without them, but they aren't exactly necessary. As I said before, this is not to say that I'm going to lose sleep over it. However, I'd like to see more meaningful or relevent writing on this site. Not that my last three posts were the pinnacle of perfection, but they were the type of style I'd like to see here. I want...emotion. For example, I don't want "Skiing is always great", I want something like a story or something interesting. Interest me. I don't know quite how to get my point across here, but I'm sure Doug understands. Write with some substance, please. Make me want to hear what you have to say, don't just say it to me. Do you understand? Probably not. I feel like I'm talking to a four year old (which none of us are, and I apologize). I'm trying to keep this blog from falling into what Something Awful makes fun of almost everyday. Don't chat; write.