I sat through five hours of Depp, watched about five movies, all of which contained THE DEPP. Granted, I didn't see the whole thing of the five movies, because people kept jumnping from movie to movie, seeing that much of Johnny Depp cannot be healthy for anyone. In fact it should be a law, which states that no male of any age should watch FIVE hours of Johnny Depp, while ridding a bicycle backwards and operating a laptop computer. We watched "Edward Scissor Hands," "Nightmare on Elm Street,"(Yes he was in that movie) "From Hell," "Sleepy Hollow," and "Don Juan De Marco." Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate the guy, hell, I don't even dislike him. I just don't like the reactions that come out of people at the sight of his face, or mention of his name. I agree that he's a good actor, but WHAT THE HELL, why does every girl faun over this guy?
An actual exchanmge of words taken from tonight:

"Shhhhh, I want to see Johnny Depp naked."
"He's not naked!"
"I can imagine it can't I?"

Oh and Dante, about that tip you gave me about suggesting that we watch "From Hell." How you said that if we watch it, the long and overly bloody film would surely cause the audience to want to stop; well it worked...............ON ME! That fucking movie was so long. Most of the six hours of Depp Theatre was the movie, "From Hell." What makes it worse, however, is that I didn't have to recomend that movie, the majority of the people actually wanted to see it. It wasn't a bad movie, it just seemed longer than it should have been. The blood didn't really bother me at all, because I'm a pirate! And the sight of blood shouldn't make a true pirate weak at the knees. Oh, and speaking of pirates, a movie that would have made that night better would be "Pirates of the Carribean." That movie was badass. But no, no pirates for me. The stupid excuse, "But it's not out yet," wasn't good enough for me. So I totally bitched everybody and acted out the movie in its entirety. That's right prrates are badass, and Johnny Depp played a badass pirate.
Pirates Rule. And anyone who says otherwise should be forced to walk the plank. ARRRRRRRRRRR!
PS Depp Sucks
PSPS He doesn't suck, but his female fans do.
PSPSPS Except Megan, She's BADASS.


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