It's been a while since I've posted anything. So I just decided to post whatever. I just saw some screenchots of FinalFantasy:AdventChildren (I'm not quite sure if that worked) Anyway, I think that it looks pretty cool. Despite the undesirable changes to Cloud and Sephiroth's looks, I don't think it looks that bad. Cloud doesn't look as AZN as I was led to believe by some people, and Sephiroth's hair is a lot shorter. Plus, they made some unnecissary changes to the Buster Sword, which in my opinion was extremely badass to begin with. Which brings me to Sephiroth. I have decided, that my secondary Badass will be Sephiroth. It was a hard decision, but I have concluded with Sanji to be may number one Badass, and Sephiroth to be my number two. That's right, Sanji, he's so fucking badass. I'll write a post that gets more in depth about him later. See, unlike your NINJA badasses, Sanji's a pirate. One of the most fucking awsomnessesses pirates out there. Granted, he wouldn't stand a chance against Cyborg Ninja, or Rock Lee (who I must admit is a real badass) I still think that he's hell of cool. If not them, then my second badass will ahve to be Megan. She is so badass, you don't even know. She'll kick both Rock Lee and Cyborg Ninja's asses, and kill them six times before they even hit the ground.
Anyway, I think that's all for now. Bleacher Boy Pirates Forever.
That's Right PIRATES, not ninja.
They're so pathetic.
By the way, I was just kidding about the Megan thing.
Anyway, I think that's all for now. Bleacher Boy Pirates Forever.
That's Right PIRATES, not ninja.
They're so pathetic.
By the way, I was just kidding about the Megan thing.