im seriously going to kill someone

Ok, this is the 4th time now. I am going to try and successfully post, I'm pissed because I actually have a lot to say and each time I wrote it something went wrong and I had to do it again. Doug you are a badass for writing that story about the BB, and epic story I might add. Also I read Jennaway's post thing, holy shit, holy fucking shit, I mean shit so holy jesus himself had to squat down infront of all his followers and just let the biggest holliest shit of his life flow from is holy bowels out his holy ass, and as he finished this saintly act of God he stand, turns around and pisses on it with again the biggest and holiest of all pisses. Then he turns to all of his followers and says "It shall be known that this pile of crap sent to us as a gift from God himself shall from this day forth be known as the holiest of all pils of crap", yeah, this shit is holier than that. Jennaway is one messed up girl. "I'm Jennaway. I act Hella nice and innocent but really I'm a drugged up whore, hee hee let's all go to Wonderland and drink shroom tea with the Mad Hatter, who by the way has an extremely large penis". Yeah that's about what I got out of her entire post. Also is it just me or is every guy she's ever dated been a Matt, for me it was a little weird to read that because my name kept poping up even though it wasn't about me, it's just weird in my own little weird way. Travis, why did you ever like her, are you that desperate, I mean we all know you're a desperate little horn dog (the rest of us aren't that different [Note from Dante: Amen to that], except Andrew and I (I think), (Andrew's got a girlfriend and I'm a freak who doesn't have emotions), but really, she's no good, at all. Oh and I read that little passage about how all the guys here are crap, she never mentioned my type, I'm cute (or so im told[Note from Dante: In that homicial kinda way]) but I'm a complete jackass, does that mean I stand a chance (like I'd want a chance with her, strictly hypothetical joking around type of stuff)? Off subject a little, why do people, especially girls, continue to talk to me or try to start conversations with me, like I have anything to say. For example, Olivia keeps talking to me, over and over, and it's getting sorta frequent, like twice a week! And the one blonde Kahlena from Jujitsu said hi to me while I was walking to my car, wtf. Not only was I doing my best to show I didn't want to talk but she waits until we're right next to each other (passing each other in opposite directions) to say hi, wtf first I'm not gonna respond and then I could even if I wanted to, all I see is your back! So what the Hell, can you guys explain this to me because I honestly don't understand why people continue to talk to me. Am I not putting out my "I'm a jackass dont talk to me" vibe thing like I used to or are they just missing it completely?
Lucio has converted me, I'll agree that Rock Lee is a badass but he still comes second to Vegeta and Guts, only because I found them first, but if you look at it they are all pretty similar. They have all trained themselves to the bone trying to become stronger, Vegeta the most and NONE OF YOU CAN SAY OTHERWISE![Note from Dante: Not much else to do when you don't have a ginormous Saiyan penis like everyone else] oh and 1200 jumps with a jump rope isn't that much, doing it without messing up is impressive, Hell it's damn near impossible but he is a cartoon character so he isn't limited like that. Also Bruce is better than Rock because a real God will beat a fake imaginary one any day. Also Lucio I'm interested in that Santa Cruz trip, I could use the tan (like we ALL didnt know that). Trav I'm going to get and estimate for the boat with my dad this weekend so I'll tell you on Monday. Well I think that's it and besides I'm tired, I got some books on Bruce Lee, one on his training routine and my goal is to copy it and then take it to the next level so I'm training everyday again now and am pretty tired (don't care what you guys say I'll do, I have way more determination than Vegeta, Rock and Guts combined, so I'll do it no matter what you say!) and I still have school, work and hw, I'm a busy guy, but it's still pretty cool.
BLEACHER BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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