First off, after looking at some of the pictures in more detaiul cloud looks ok, i dont really see a problem, 2 sephiroths hair isnt to short, they show a back shot of it going all the way down to his knees (the back of them) and i dont think that the director and/or producer of FF7 would let them mess anyhting like that up. it is based 2 years in the future, something about a plauge i dunno. i douldnt figure out weather it was a game or a movie but whatever it is its spposed to be released summer of 04, so we dont have to long to wait. but cloud outfit bugs me, i dont think they should have given the character design to the FFX guy, thats why the characters look so much like the guys from FFX, same character designer. but yeah follow andrews link and read it for you self(youll have to search the site a little, its not a direct link). umm yeah i think thats about all i have to say, but going back to the most badass person thingt, vegeta is first and guts is secound, and no matter what you say vegeta would kill all of you badasses NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY (unless you badass is goku or gohan, which it isnt, no one likes them bleh).