New Layout

So this obviously looks very different from the last time you saw it. Unless you saw it like ten minutes ago, then only the comment link is different. Comments, criticisms, thoughts appreciated. One thing I'd definitely like to do is post links on the sidebar to the right of everyone's stuff, like Andrew's website or Travis' deviantart. Any requests for that kind of thing put here, I'm more than happy to list them.

Oh, and I removed the Cbox because it was a distraction from what this site is supposed to be, and no one was really using it anyway. Worthless.

EDIT: I changed the courier text because apparently everyone hates it, but also because I think this font reads better, it's less harsh looking.


matt said…
its different. i kinda like it. dunno, ill have to sit on it for a few. wheres the picture from?
Bryan said…
It's from The Fountain
Anonymous said…
That movie was odd... I still don't know if I understood exactly what the point of it was. Still was interesting though.
Bryan said…
It was fantastic. Read the wiki entry about it.
Anonymous said…
Interesting, I had interpreted it differently than the wiki explained it. It does make a bit more sense now. Definitely a very artistic piece, not one that the general population has the intelligence or the attention span to understand.
Travis said…
Bryan said…
I like it more every time I look at it.
Anonymous said…
I don't like it that much, I don't the like the font of the posts but the font on the side bar is nicer. Don't like this type writer looking'd dull.

I like the color scheme but it's kinda dull.
Bryan said…
I'm not sure how a font can be dull.
Brian said…
I can read things a lot more clearly which is a huge imrovement. Frankly I think the layout is fine but if people want to change it just make sure you keep the white text on a dark background thing.

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