Even Passively, I'm A Magnet For Crazy Girls

So the other day I got a friend request from a girl on Facebook. NO idea who she is. She's not friends with any of my friends, and I don't recognize the name even a little bit. I figure, probably a bot, but no, her profile seems legit. So the following message exchange occurs:

Subject: Uhh

Me: Do I know you?

Her: No, just saw you in the TFAW page and thought you looked interesting so I threw a request out there, never mind though, sorry to bug ya.

Hello, red flag. But still, trying to be friendly, I reply:

Me: No by all means, I'm just used to unfamiliar names being bots. But your profile looks very not bot-like.

Oh I see lol. Most , er, all of my few FB friends are family or old friends, I don't usually freind request people I don't know, so the edicate is unfamiliar lol :)

Me: No worries.

TFAW is Things From Another World, by the way, a site that has comics, and models and all sorts of things like that. Anyhow, this all happens at night, so I say to myself, "I'll accept the request now and check her out later." So I wake up this morning, I'm sitting at work, and I decide, "let's give her the once over." First, she's unfriended me, and secondly, she wrote this immediately after:

"I have been opperating under the ussumption ALL this time, that all men are gross creeps, but it turns out that it was just me all along, some poisonous part of my personality is what brings it out of them, its the only possable explanation. Lucky me."

Uh, alright, whackjob.


UCDBrizzle said…
one day if I read about you murdered in the news papers by a crazy girl it wouldn't surprise me that much.
Travis said…
I want to think that what she was doing was not in response to you necessarily because, really, it might not be, but who the fuck knows. People are crazy. That's a funny little story.
Bryan said…
My experience with girls like this precludes me from believing that it wasn't directed at me.
matt said…
funny. your reading too much into it, shes crazy.
Bryan said…
Nah, it was about me, I speak their language.

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