Shepard is a Reaper

Mass Effect 2 begins in 2183, not long after the events of Mass Effect. While on patrol for geth, the protagonist Commander Shepard's ship, the Normandy, comes under attack by an unknown assailant. The ship suffers extensive damage, forcing the crew to evacuate in escape pods. Shepard is the last to escape the ship before it is destroyed completely, but eventually asphyxiates and dies while drifting through space. Commander Shepard's body is retrieved by the Shadow Broker, a secretive buyer of information, selling it to the highest bidder, who has been employed by The Collectors, an enigmatic and xenophobic alien race who serve as the game's primary antagonists. In the events of Mass Effect: Redemption, former squadmate Liara T'Soni is employed by Cerberus, a pro-human group, to get the body for the organization, before it is delivered to the Collectors. After this, Cerberus works to revive the Commander through a project known as "Lazarus." Two years later in 2185, Shepard is awakened aboard a Cerberus space station that is under attack, and aids Cerberus agents Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor in escaping. Shepard is taken to Cerberus' headquarters and granted an audience with the Illusive Man, who explains that Shepard was "upgraded" and asks for the Commander's help in combating a new threat which has been abducting entire human colonies. Shepard and his team are dispatched to the recently attacked colony of Freedom's Progress in the Terminus Systems to investigate. There, the group encounters Tali, one of Shepard's former squad members, and discovers that the mysterious insect-like Collectors were behind the attack. Shepard reports this to the Illusive Man, who then reveals what Shepard's previous squad members are up to. After receiving command of the Normandy SR-2, Shepard decides to begin recruiting a new team to discover the Collectors' plan.

Taken from the known details about Mass Effect 2 so far.

Retribution is set in the universe fans know well from the video game and novel series—one in which humanity has explored the very farthest reaches of the universe, only to discover the ruthless Reapers, a race bent on extinguishing all organic life. One man is bent on discovering the Reapers' secrets, the mysterious Illusive Man, the leader of a pro-human, black ops group, Cerberus. And he's devised the perfect plan: implant a human subject with Reaper technology in order to study the enemy.

He also has the perfect test subject—Paul Grayson, an ex-Cerberus operative. Grayson betrayed Cerberus in order to save his daughter. So when Grayson is kidnapped and made the subject of Cerberus' evil experiments, the Illusive Man will finally have his revenge.

Taken from the synopsis of the new book coming out. One can infer from this, combined with screenshots showing a red faced Shepard:

Clicky doo

That Shepard is half man, half-Reaper for the sequel. How will this play out? Your guess is as good as mine. How do you feel about it? I dunno how I feel yet, but I'm a big proponent of "characters who have been through too much shit shouldn't die in a stupid way for the sake of a plot arc," and this is halfway to that. Bioware is saying that Shepard can die in the end of the second game if you choose to, or live. I'm guessing he inevitably will not survive the entire trilogy. I dunno, we shall see I suppose.


UCDBrizzle said…
I can't wait. Mass Effect is one of my top 3 favorite RPGs and ME2 looks to knock 1 of the other 2 out some time soon.

I heard u can load ME1 character data which I am quite interested in. And also characters who did not die will also re-appear.

Time to tap Ashely again ^_^
Bryan said…
Apparently your romance characters from the first game will be based either in the Citadel or in some kind of home, and if you go after the NEW romance characters, it will effectively be cheating on the old ones.
UCDBrizzle said…
eh, wait what other romance character is there?
Bryan said…
Ashley, Kaiden, and Liara were all romance options.
UCDBrizzle said…
no gay and alien sex please, thank you.
Bryan said…
Well, Liara could be sexed by either sex.
Travis said…
I want both gay and alien sex. It's the best kind. Don't be so boring Wong.

I'm not sure what to say in regards to the plot, "twists", should I say? It's nothing different from the usual hoops writers jump through when they have to bring a dead character back. I don't know why they do it so often in the first place, generally bringing someone back from being fucking dead is not simple. But Shepard is back, this is how they did it, whoopty-doo.

So in all I think it's pretty dumb and overly complicated but I like terminator eyes and I also fully expect other aspects of this game to be more than distracting enough from why on earth Shepard is the main man again.
Bryan said…
The Shepard I had couldn't be killed. They shouldn't have killed him at all.
Travis said…
Haha, you mean he was just so freaking tough? I dunno man, I absolutely agree. It's just kind of dumb and I wish I could better express how pointless it is to just keep killing off characters. I think George Washington is only the only motherfucker who hasn't come back yet.

At least old school manga had the decency of just killing people and letting them stay dead. Well, actually even Goku came back with a little Halo on his head.
Travis said…
Why did I capitalize "Halo"? That's funny.
Bryan said…
My Shepard was basically a biotic God. To think that she went down because she couldn't get a little bit of air is fucking silly. I walked up the side of the exploded Citadel elevator with no problem.
Travis said…
I know, my heart sank quite a bit when I read you basically suffocated in space. That's like, c'mon... In the the real world that's like getting hit by a drunk driver when crossing the street, or better yet, just dying in your sleep of heart failure.
UCDBrizzle said…
mine is a soldier =X he just kills that's about it.
Bryan said…
It's just hard to buy when you spend 60% of that game in a hostile atmosphere or none at all.
UCDBrizzle said…
Sheppard makes his own air...
Travis said…
Jedi's have a technique to sustain themselves through the force. You learn it in KOTOR 2 to walk through a cantina with air that is poison to humans.
Bryan said…
Please Travis, we know all about the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. That's common knowledge, my friend.
UCDBrizzle said…
for u nerds maybe.. i am intrigued, what is this Jekk'Jekk Tarr you speak of?
Bryan said…

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